How to get alcohol out of the body quickly?

by time news

2024-08-31 14:00:21

Chewing gum and drinking water are some of the tricks spread on the Internet to “cleanse” the body of alcohol, but is it true? We tell you more about it.

Last update: August 31, 2024

Having a glass of wine or any other alcoholic drink, on outings with colleagues, friends or family, is something that is “common and acceptable”, although it is not guaranteed for your health. One of the problems that can arise is that you drink a lot of alcohol and you want to do an activity that requires your full mental capacity, in a short period of time.

If that happens to you, you might be wondering how to get rid of alcohol from the body fast? First, you must think that There is no magic formula that will get your blood alcohol levels to zero in one fell swoop.

That said, There are certain strategies that, if adopted, can help you reduce the effects of alcohol. in himself. In the following lines we will delve deeper into this topic, as well as the ways alcohol leaves the body and more information you should know.

Can alcohol be removed from the body quickly?

The answer to this question is that there is no quick way to get rid of alcohol, because Most of the work is done by the liver and it works at its own pace.that is, there is no way to speed up this process.

Those ideas that increase on the nets to “reduce alcohol level quickly” such as eating coffee beans, showering with cold water or doing exercises are not effective, because they do not have any scientific support. As the Spanish Ministry of Health points out, The only way to avoid getting alcohol in your blood is not to drink.

Once alcohol enters the body, all that remains is to wait for its production. But there are ways, through prevention, to reduce the effects of alcohol on the body. and make the work of the liver a little easier. Below, we share them with you:

Eat before drinking

If you want to have a drink, don’t do it on an empty stomach. The journey of alcohol begins in the mouth, passes through the esophagus to the stomach. From there it goes to the small intestine, where most of it is absorbed, and reaches the bloodstream.

If you have food in your stomach, this will slow its way to the small intestine.which means low blood alcohol level. Remember that to achieve this effect, it is also worth eating while drinking.

Stop the water

Water is essential for the body and when you drink alcohol you should not do without it. If you replace a glass of water with a drink, that will make you drink more. And so there will be a lower concentration of alcohol in your blood.

Likewise, drinking water will help you combat the dehydration that occurs while drinking alcohol. And like those Mayo Clinicthis can help reduce symptoms.

You can also drink isotonic drinks to hydrate and replace electrolytes lost while drinking alcohol.

drink slowly

If you are one of those who, when you arrive at a party, drink in a couple of gulps, we will tell you that this only puts more work on your liver. As the Spanish Ministry of Health pointed out, in the previously mentioned article, The faster you drink, the faster the body absorbs alcohol. So the design is to take it easy and enjoy the conversations and the moment, more than the drink itself.

Choose your drink wisely

Alcoholic beverages can be divided into two types. On the one hand, there are those who are rich who, as their name suggests, come from the harvest of fruits and grains, as in the case of wine and beer.

While on the other hand there are those that are distilled, such as vodka or whiskey, that use distillation to remove water from them. The latter have a higher alcohol level than the former and, therefore, are more irritating drinks for the stomach.

So things are, The ideal would be to consume fermented beverages, Because they have a low alcohol content, they are absorbed more slowly by the body.

Avoid the combination

There are some cocktails that mix alcoholic beverages with sparkling water or soda. And these are exactly the ones you should avoid. if you want to reduce the speed of alcohol absorption from the body.

This is because such drinks cause the pylorus (the part that connects the stomach to the small intestine), still more easilyThe result is alcohol at a faster rate.

This also applies to hot alcoholic drinks, such as the Spanish carajillo or remember Greek.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Every time you take a drink, the alcohol travels through different organs and systems in your body. It is in the blood five minutes after ingestion and reaches a maximum level between 30 and 90 minutes after drinking.and then decreases as it is produced in the body.

The ways it is eliminated are through urine, sweat, breathing and through metabolism.. As mentioned, the 90% of the alcohol we consume is produced by the liver. Which leaves the other elimination routes with a very low percentage total (10%).

As you can see, the liver does most of the work. And if you’re wondering, how long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? On average it is 0.12 g/l of blood alcohol per hour.

And what does this equate to? It is better to consider it with an example. According to the Spanish Ministry of HealthA beer can take from one hour and 45 minutes to two hours and 50 minutes to be metabolized by the liver, depending on whether you are a man or a woman.

For their part, the American Addiction Centers (AAC) they point out that The average time that alcohol stays (and is detected) in the blood is usually 12 hours. So if you plan on taking the test anytime soon, consider having a beer or a glass of red wine.

How long does alcohol stay in the urine and breath?

Blood is not the only way alcohol is found in the body. The AAC shows the following residence times and presence of alcohol in other parts of the body:

  • Urine: between 12 and 24 hours.
  • I: between 12 and 24 hours.
  • Cabello: up to 90 days.

The reason it lasts so long on hair is because of metabolites. Materials that are made when drinking alcohol and become trapped in the hair fibers as it grows.

You should know that for each method, there is a search method. In the case of urine, blood and hair, it is done by laboratory analysis. While it is in the breath it is consumed by a breathalyzer, a device that measures the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled gases.

This is the method the police use to make their measurements. For example, in Spainthe legal limit of alcohol-for general drivers-in expired air is 0.25 mg/l, while in novice and professional drivers it is 0.15 mg / l. The purpose of these speed bumps is to prevent traffic accidents that endanger residents and drivers.

What affects the elimination of alcohol from the body?

Has it ever happened to you that you go to a party with a friend, they drink the same drink, but one of you seems more “tipsy” or affected by alcohol than the other. Well this has an explanation.

While it is true that there is no way to remove alcohol from the body quickly, you should know that there are some factors that influence blood alcohol concentrations to be higher. Some of them are:

  • Age: Young children, and adults, take a long time to get alcohol out of their bodies.
  • Weight: Blood alcohol concentration in someone who is obese is always lower than in a thin person, this is because the former has more body mass and water.
  • Alcohol dosage and quantity: The higher the alcohol level, the longer it will take to withdraw. The same is the case with quantity: it takes longer to remove a liter of beer than a can.
  • Sexual: Women take longer to get alcohol out of their system than men. This is because—in general—they have a small amount of water and fat in their bodies.
  • Medicines: Taking certain medications, such as anti-anxiety medications, or medications together with alcohol, can create an interaction that will increase blood alcohol levels.

Don’t forget to take it in moderation to avoid accidents

This is probably a phrase you’ve heard countless times before, but it doesn’t hurt to remember it. It’s no secret to anyone that alcohol makes your reflexes and reactions slower than normal. And if, for example, you drive you need to be aware, because otherwise you can suffer an accident, putting your life and the lives of those around you at risk.

It doesn’t matter if you have two drinks or one bottle of beer, alcohol does not leave the body quickly. So, as a safety measure, avoid driving. Likewise, don’t forget to drink in moderation, because alcohol has negative effects on health, which – as noted – is best avoided.

#alcohol #body #quickly

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