How to get an organ donor card in Mexico?

by time news

2023-10-23 18:19:19

Being an organ donor in Mexico is simple and, in addition, you can get the card on which you appear as such. If you want to know how to get itbe sure to read this post, then we will tell you how to request it and we will answer some key questions.

What does it take to be an organ donor?

If you want to make an organ donation, it is necessary that your decision to be a donor be expressed while you are still alive and that you have the consent of the family. That is why if you decide to be an altruistic donor, the first thing you should do is notify your family so that, at the time of death, they authorize the donation in the midst of a very complicated moment.

Those over 2 years of age are generally considered potential donors and donation will depend on the assessment carried out by doctors, the cause of death and the consent of relatives.

Those people with any type of disability cannot be donors. mental incapacitywho cannot freely express their will, neither during life nor after death.

Registration to be a donor

If you want to be an organ and tissue volunteer, anyone can consult the website of the National Transplant Center or visit the page of the IMSS to register the data to accredit you as a donor. Some of the information that will be requested from you to request registration:

Name. CURP. Place of residence. Email.

Steps to process the organ donor card

If, in addition to registering as a voluntary donor, you want to obtain the official format, to express your express consentwhich cannot be revoked by any third party, you can request your card as a donor.

This voluntary organ and tissue donation card allows you to express in writing your desire to be a donor and encourages dialogue with your family. You can obtain this card through Registry of Voluntary Donors in or you can go with your Center or State Transplant Council as well as Health Institutions to inform you about the issue of donation and transplants and registration as a donor and help you in the process of obtaining the card if you need it.

#organ #donor #card #Mexico

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