How to get in shape at 50 years old?

by time news

2023-12-26 13:29:43
It is inevitable that the body undergoes physical and mental changes over time, which can be detrimental to our faculties, conditioning the desire to lead a full and independent life.It has been proven that adopting healthy lifestyle habits is a determining factor in keeping us active and vital at age 50 and thereafter.

The fundamental pillars to be successful in this crusade are: eating a balanced diet, doing regular physical exercise and developing practices that stimulate mental health.

Why is your physique important at 50?

After 50 years of age, some physiological changes that impact body composition, such as: decrease in bone mineral density, loss of muscle mass and increase in fat mass.

On the other hand, the ability to regenerate cells decreases and there are drops in hormonal production.

Likewise, alterations in the metabolism are evident that promote the weight gain and the appearance of some chronic diseasessuch as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, among others. Mental health can also be affectedbecause brain cells begin their degenerative process and cognitive deterioration may begin.

The good news is that we have a great ally to stay in good shape at 50, it is physical exercise.

If you lead a sedentary life, it is time for you to take action to strengthen your body and enjoy the benefits that physical activity offers you in this stage of life, such as the ones we leave you below:

Reduces the risk of suffering from diseases. Regular physical activity can help prevent diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and certain types of cancer, in addition to reversing some pathologies if you already suffer from them.Alleviate the pain. It is common for people at 50 to experience osteoarthritis, joint pain or limited flexibility, and physical exercise can help in this regard.Maintains cognitive faculties. Exercise improves brain function, thanks to the fact that it increases oxygenation of the brain. It has also been shown that practicing aerobics favors the activity of the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain involved in learning and verbal memory processes.Improves mood. By developing physical activity, endorphins are released, which generate positive emotions and make it easier to release the emotional tension of everyday life, thus helping to combat anxiety, sadness, depression and control stress.Strengthens bones. At this age, bone density decreases, which results in porous and fragile bones, which are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis and fractures. Doing moderate strength training two to three times or more per week helps strengthen bones and avoid these problems, giving you more confidence in movement.

Training to tone the body

To be in shape after 50, it is advisable to do physical activity minimum three days a week.

Very important twork strength to increase muscle mass and strengthen bones. On the other hand, it should also include the aerobic activity to enhance the cardiovascular system.

Next we leave you a generic training program that can serve as a guide, but do not forget that the right thing is always a personalized approach prepared by a professional based on your situation and objectives.

Day 1: 5 rounds or sets

100 m moderate run 10 swings with a dumbbell or kettlebell 100 m moderate run 20 box jumps Abdominals

Rest 30-60 seconds between rounds

Day 2: 5 rounds or sets

3 back exercises (pull-ups, rows, pull-ups…)2-3 chest exercises (presses, planks, pulleys…)2 biceps/triceps exercises (curls, press…)

Day 3: 5 rounds or sets

50 heels to glutes5-6 full leg exercises; anterior, posterior and gluteal chain (quadriceps: squat, extensions, lunges…, femoral lying or standing, deadlift, hip trust, pulley kicks…)50 heels to glutes

If you exercise more days a week it will allow you to structure the sessions differently and give more work to each muscle area.

Nutrition and personal care

The feeding plays a primary role along with regular exercise for personal care at this stage of life with the objective of delaying or lessening the consequences of the passage of time.

It is important to include all food groups in the daily diet in a balanced way and consider that intake must be adapted to the age, weight and physical condition of each person.

In general, the nutritional requirements from the age of 50 are the following:

Proteins: It is recommended to eat approximately one gram per kilo of lean mass, although this depends on your goal and physical condition.Fiber: The suggested consumption is 25 g for women and 38 g for men. Fiber is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.Soccer: The necessary intake of calcium should be obtained mainly through the consumption of some vegetables and dairy products. An intake of at least 800 mg daily is recommended, and an extra dose (up to 1200 mg) may be needed after the age of 50.Vitamina B12: The recommended daily dose is 2.4 micrograms. We will find it in products of animal origin.Vitamin D: the required intake is 15 micrograms per day (600 IU) and 30 minutes of light exposure per day.Antioxidants: They are present in foods that contain vitamins A, C or E. Their function is to eliminate free radicals that generate oxidative stress.Folic acid: the appropriate intake is obtained by consuming dark leafy vegetables, fruits, cereals, peanuts, hazelnuts, liver.Omega 3: we find it in fish such as salmon, sardine, mackerel, tuna and herring; nuts and chia seeds, hemp and flax, flax oil, avocado and algae. It is essential to maintain lipid balance and the proper functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system.Magnesium: important for bone health

An important tip is to avoid ultra-processed foods, as well as simple sugars and saturated fats. Of course, eliminate tobacco and alcohol.

Caring for mental health and emotional well-being

At any age it is important to take care of our mental health; However, from the age of 50 onwards, the “healthy mind for a healthy body” is an unavoidable premise.

Emotional well-being impacts quality of life and is directly related to mental health.

We well know that factors such as stress They activate cortisol, which represents a true poison for the body, invading the cells and affecting physical and mental functions, even more so at this stage when the cells have started a degenerative process.

Among the tips to preserve mental health after 50 we have the following:

Lead an active social lifeLearn new jobs, knowledge, activitiesDo volunteer work if you have time.Join a sports club and get regular exercisePractice meditation, this helps control or minimize stressSet short-term goals and plan to achieve them, without procrastinatingMaintain a balanced diet, including vitamins and minerals

Vitamins for over 50

Food is essential to stay in shape. Especially, People over 50 years of age must meet the macronutrient and micronutrient requirementsby eating fresh and healthy foods.

In some cases, Natural foods may not be enough for the body to absorb all the vitamins and minerals. that the body needs in order to stay active.

That is why the intake of supplements and vitamins is recommended for those over 50, such as the ones we leave you below.



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