How to Get Rid of Belly Fat After 40: Causes and Solutions for a “Swimming Ring”

by time news

2023-06-04 09:00:00

Gerrie (48): “Until I turned 40, I had nothing to complain about. I ate what I wanted and still managed to fit into a size 36. I was very happy with my body, while now I really have a belly. Dresses, bikinis and bathing suits don’t fit well and don’t feel good and I just don’t think I’m pretty that way. I have tried everything to get rid of that belly: diets, exercise more: I have made several attempts, all without success.”


According to nutrition coach and personal trainer Inge van Haselen, the well-known swimming ring has a number of causes. “From the age of forty, your metabolism slows down and muscle mass decreases,” she says. “That often leads to more fat storage, and if you have an apple figure, so a round belly above thin legs, it will be around your waist.” In addition, incorrect nutrition plays a major role. “We eat a lot of sugars and carbohydrates from bread and pasta. When you’re young, you often get away with that. But as you get older, your system can no longer handle it properly: your body stores that energy as fat. If you move too little, a roll of fat above the edge of your pants will soon result.”


Apart from the fact that clothing may no longer be comfortable, belly fat is also unhealthy. It increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. That is why it is important to do something about a swimming ring. “That is not necessary with a rigid diet,” says Van Haselen, who has developed various programs to get rid of a tummy. “Preferably not right, because hardly anyone can keep that up. It is mainly about converting bad into good living habits in a way that is feasible for you. For example, start with three meals a day and do not eat any more snacks. Or start eating other types of carbohydrates. For example, choose buckwheat, quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potato from now on. Also eat plenty of vegetables, preferably with every meal. They not only provide many vitamins and minerals, but also carbohydrates and fiber, which makes them filling. Stop eating from packages and bags or other already prepared food. In a hectic life you may tend to grab them out of convenience, but they are full of hidden fatteners such as added sugars.” Of course, it’s also good to get off the couch. “The more you exercise, the more muscle mass you gain and the more you can eat without getting fat. But here too the advice is: find a way that suits you and that you can persevere.”

Think about it

Especially if a round belly is accompanied by other complaints, such as pain, weight loss, decreased appetite or vaginal bleeding, it is wise to visit the doctor. Sometimes there is a more serious underlying cause. For example, a bulging abdomen can be the result of fluid in the abdomen because the lymph nodes do not function properly. Gas formation can be caused by a blockage caused by a tumor in the intestines. And a fibroid that grows larger after the transition also needs attention.

#due #wrong #nutrition #age #figure

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