How to Get Rid of Snoring: Lifestyle Changes, Devices, and Treatments Recommended by Sleep Experts for a Peaceful Night’s Sleep

by time news

2023-04-26 10:49:00

Ovesen says that many people with a snoring partner choose to sleep in a different room from now on. That is also the experience of sleep coach Mikael Rasmussen, who gives lectures and courses about sleep.

Both Rasmussen and Ovesen indicate that men usually snore the most.

‘We see a fairly clear trend for women to sleep elsewhere in order not to have to lie next to their snoring partner,’ says Mikael Rasmussen.

However, according to sleep experts, you can also try to get rid of snoring.

Lifestyle has influence

First, it may be wise to take a closer look at the lifestyle.

‘If you are overweight, there is more fat around the throat, which increases the risk of tremors,’ says Rasmussen.

So if you snore and are overweight, you can try to lose some kilos. According to Therese Ovesen, there don’t even have to be that many.

She has just submitted a funding application for a major research project on snoring and its treatment. Some of the test subjects will try to lose weight, among other things.

“We think a weight loss of 5 percent of baseline weight is sufficient,” she explains.

Both experts also say that the intake of alcohol or muscle relaxants before bed often results in snoring. That should therefore be avoided.

Vibrating belt

A number of test subjects will try to sleep with a posture belt or anti-snoring belt around the chest.

This belt vibrates when the sleeper lies on his back. The vibrations should cause the person to turn on their side as this significantly reduces the chances of snoring.

‘Ideally, the sleeper should lie on his side 80 percent of the time, because then he doesn’t snore or only very softly,’ Ovesen explains.

Another aid that is being experimented with is the snoring mouthpiece, which you wear in your mouth. The brace pushes the lower jaw slightly forward, which prevents snoring in some people.

Snoring braces are available in all sorts of places, but Ovesen warns that such braces are tailor-made.

“You have to have a snoring mouthpiece made by a dentist so that it fits your teeth,” she says.

The disadvantage of this solution is that it is quite expensive.

Ovesen also does not guarantee that a snoring mouthpiece or posture belt will solve snoring.

Snoring can have various causes. So you may have to try out several solutions.’

#Experts #rid #partners #snoring

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