How to get tear stains out of your dog’s eyes (without hurting him)

by time news

One of the challenges when bathe your petit is not to prevent him from fleeing soaked but to remove the tear stains around his eyes without hurting him. And it is that over time this kind of “dark circles” darken more or rather, the crusts accumulate and harden on the hair in the area, making it very painful to detach. This is why we reveal to you how you should remove them…

Why do dogs’ tear ducts get stains?

For starters, not all dog breeds experience these tear stains, in reality they are more frequent in small ones. On the other hand, they can appear due to the following problems, according to the Veterinary Hospital of the Sea:

1- Obstruction in the naseolacrimal ducts. It is usually the consequence of an iinflammation or disease.

2- Allergies. Some can cause excess tears, it is important to check the foods that you have recently incorporated into the diet.

3-Nutritional deficiencies. the rise of tears could be caused by the lack or decrease in the consumption of a nutrient.

you are too stains they can be due to age, the older our pet is, these areas darken more.

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How to remove stains caused by your pet’s tears

to clean the your dog face, You don’t need to scrub hard or fill it with soap. These dark spots are around his eyes, and the above could damage their eyes. It is best that you help yourself with the following:

1- Remove stains with chamomile

The first thing you should do is place a pot with hot water. Leave over low heat, while you place some chamomile flowers, leave a few minutes. Another option is that you place an envelope of chamomile in a little hot water. In both cases, before using, strain the water very well. Once ready, moisten the cloth and begin to clean the stains from his eyes, you’ll see how whitens.

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2- Remove stains with lemon

In a container of water, approximately half a liter of water, place the juice of half a lemon. The water should be lukewarm. Now, soak a cloth and go over the tear stains. Try to Don’t touch your puppy’s eyes.

In addition to clean tear stains from your dog’s eyesIt is important that if you notice that they darken more than normal, you go to the vet immediately.

How to bathe my dog ​​correctly?

bathe your dog It is an important part of taking care of your hygiene. Here I share the steps to bathe your dog correctly:

1-Preparation. Before you start bathing your dog, prepare everything you will need. Find a safe place to bathe him (such as a bathtub or outdoor space), dog shampoo, a soft towel, a sponge, and a brush.

2-Pre-brushing. Brush your dog’s coat before bathing to remove tangles and loose hair. In this way, the shampoo will better penetrate his coat and his skin will be cleaner.

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3-Water temperature. Make sure the water is lukewarm, but not too hot or cold. Place a non-slip towel at the bottom of the bathtub or the space where you will bathe your dog so that he does not slip.

4-Wet your dog. Wet your dog with lukewarm water using a cup or the shower being careful not to wet his head.

5-Application of the shampoo. Apply dog ​​shampoo and gently massage so that penter your fur and your skin. Avoid applying it to your eyes, nose, and mouth. Rinse with lukewarm water until no traces of shampoo remain.

6-Clean the ears. Use a soft sponge and warm water to clean your dog’s ears. Avoid inserting the sponge inside the ear.

7-Final rinse. Rinse your dog well under lukewarm water making sure no trace of shampoo remains.

8-Drying. Dry it with a soft towel, making sure to remove as much water as possible. If your dog tolerates the noise of the hair dryer, use one on a low or cold temperature, keeping it away from the skin and avoiding direct contact with the ears.

9-Reward: After the bath, reward your dog with a treat or a toy as positive reinforcement.

It is important bathe your dog regularly, but not excessively, as it can damage their skin and coat. The frequency will depend on the type of coat and the activity of your dog. If you have doubts about the ideal frequency, consult your veterinarian.

now that you know how to remove dark tear stains, tell us what other trick you would like to know to take care of the health of your pet.

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