How to increase Growth Hormone? A collection of 5 ways to increase growth hormone, anti-aging, weight loss

by time news

growth hormone Growth hormone (GH or human growth hormone (HGH) is an important hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which is important for growth in children. ready to help repair cells Metabolism regulation, weight loss, muscle growth and strength. increase muscle mass Good for bone health, memory, helps strengthen immunity. It can also help slow down aging. Because when we get older, the body will produce less growth hormone. And even more to increase the risk of various diseases. Including increasing body fat!

How to increase Growth Hormone?

1. Get Enough Sleep

Growth hormone increases during sleep due to melatonin. According to the biological clock (circadian rhythm), this regular sleep cycle contributes to the natural increase in growth hormone levels in the body. While if we don’t get enough rest, it will reduce the growth hormone produced by the body. Sleep deprivation is also linked to an increased risk of obesity, diabetes and insulin insensitivity, which may lower growth hormone levels.

2. Reduce sugar intake

If the body receives large amounts of refined sugars or carbohydrates or have high insulin levels It may affect the growth hormone level to decrease. While if we reduce the consumption of sugar or refined carbohydrates, it will increase the growth hormone level. In addition, too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity. This will affect the growth hormone level to decrease as well.

3. Reduce Fat and Obesity

When the body has low growth hormone levels Will result in weight gain. And if we do not lose weight and leave like this indefinitely It will make the level of Growth Hormone lower. In addition, there is a lot of fat accumulation in the body. especially belly fat It will also result in a decrease in growth hormone as well. Therefore, it is advisable to lose weight and lose fat. to grow hormones in the body

4. Do HIIT workouts.

If wanting to exercise to lose fat or lose weight HIIT or aerobic exercise is recommended. These exercises will increase your heart rate and also increase the production of growth hormone. By exercising like this, it can be said that it helps to increase growth hormones in the body better than other exercises.

5. Do IF

A well-known way of losing weight, doing IF or Intermittent fasting, studies have found. It can help increase the level of growth hormone in the body. Either the 16/8 IF (16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating) or the IF fasting 2 days a week. It also contributes to increasing growth hormones by doing IF can help reduce fat and insulin levels in the body. However, doing IF should not be done in the long term!

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