How to keep houseplants fungus free

by time news

If you have plants inside the house, it is necessary to take care of them; even more than outdoor ones. It happens that closed spaces are ideal for the formation of fungi.

Last update: April 12, 2023

To keep houseplants fungus free you need to work hard on preventive care or act immediately, as soon as you notice changes in the copy. It is precisely the confinement of these shrubs that favors the conditions for them to get sick.

How to do it? In this article we will share some recommendations. But before going fully into the subject, it is pertinent to know what are the common fungi in this class of plants and the signs that will alert you to their presence.

Common types of fungus in indoor plants

Because they are plants located inside the house, microorganisms develop in the pots due to the accumulation of moisture in the substrate and the mixture of spores and soil. Little by little, they cover the leaves, stems and roots.

It is true that some indoor plants are accommodated on balconies or terraces, but others are in closed rooms, where conditions may play against them. The aftermath is wilting or death.

But, which fungi attack plants? The following:

  • Botrytis: It is a furry, gray mold, a product of cold and excessive humidity, which usually damages older plants.
  • White mold: known as Sclerotinia spp. Although it is said that it is not serious, it represents a warning that the species does not have its needs met.
  • Roya: It is a plant disease typical of humid environments. The leaves appear yellowish, brown, and even black. In addition, on the back they show microbulges. According to a bulletin from the Integrated Pest Management ProgramAlthough the plants that host these parasites rarely die, their appearance is greatly affected.
  • Mildew: It is the fungus that the leaves show on their upper side. The University of Illinois Extension describes it as whitish, powder-like spots that also spread to young stems, fruit, and flowers, causing them to become stunted and drop. This mantle is made up of mycelium and colorless spores; all similar to a floury coating.
  • bold: Another way of calling it is “sooty mold” and it manifests itself as a black powder that weakens vegetation, both indoors and outdoors. Its consequence is the hindering of the passage of light, which affects photosynthesis.
White mold has a distinctive appearance that allows it to be quickly identified.

Tricks so that your indoor plants are free of fungus

Knowing what these microorganisms look like makes it easier to detect and combat them.. To keep your indoor plants free of fungi, it is convenient to put into practice the recommendations that we will now see.

1. Spray natural fungicides

Natural remedies are advantageous both for the plant and for those who live with them. By supplying these products, you do not expose yourself to chemical odors and their possible adverse reactions.

Some studies on the antifungal activity of natural extracts, such as those reported in the journal Saber, highlight that the fungicides prepared with Melissa officinalis inhibit the growth of the fungus Aspergillus flavus. For his part, Advances in Renewable Energies and the Environment reported in an article the efficacy of alternative products against fungi in plants.

Among various ingredients, milk, ginger and mint are good options. Other effective natural fungicides to keep houseplants free of fungus are the ones we will reveal now.

garlic solution

Powdered or crushed garlic poured into a liter of water is one of the recommendations against Mildew u mildew. Polybotany explains that the essence of these bulbs is allicin, linked to antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

In turn, the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, in Argentina, highlights garlic as an insect repellent with antifungal properties, ideal for combating fungi in plants.

Vinegar mix with water

According to a post by Postharvest Biology and Technology, bamboo vinegar infused with peach gum is effective in controlling gray mold. Although the experiment was carried out with blueberry plants, it is possible to replicate it in ornamental species.

Regarding vinegar as a fungicide, the International Journal of Molecular Sciences investigated the efficacy of wood vinegar against Botrytis cinerea. In their tests they found that the dilution of pyroligneous acid inhibits the growth of the fungus, suggesting that this substance would serve to protect plants from pathogenic attacks.

What is intended with the acid is to modify the pH of the microorganisms. The “infusions” for this purpose contain at least 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of water.


Combine a tablespoon of baking soda with ¼ gallon of water and spray the solution on the leaves, up and down. It is a homemade recipe with positive effects against fungi.

In fact, an investigation reviewed by the Mexican Journal of Agricultural Sciences analyzed the effectiveness of potassium bicarbonate as a fungicide. In the experiment, they mixed this substance with potassium phosphite and found a significant reduction in the incidence and severity of Mildew.

2. Remove diseased leaves

Cutting off diseased leaves is the quickest and most obvious way out. to keep your plants fungus free. Use garden shears or a shear, trim off the infected parts and throw them away. Remember to sanitize the tool before and after using it, as well as put on gloves while you hold them.

3. Change pot

Just as removing the leaves is convenient to get rid of fungus on indoor plants, moving them to another pot is an excellent option. Transplant and get new soil.

Before planting, be sure to clean the specimen well, from the leaves to the roots. It contributes to the purpose if you spray fungicide at the base of the pot, so that the mold spores do not spread again.

Fungi also grow in the substrate, which could force you to change the pot.

What to do after eliminating fungus in indoor plants?

Once you finish disinfecting the plant, continue to adapt the environment to benefit its health. That is to say, locate the species in an area where it receives sufficient ventilation and light; both conditions will help it grow. Make sure that in this space there are no other plants nearby, at least until some time has elapsed.

Likewise, check that the pot drains water properly and that it is neat. Water in the morning, because at night the earth takes longer to dry. With all these recommendations, you will surely keep fungi at bay and your indoor plants will thrive.

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