How to keep your brain active: 3 ingredients for mental health

by time news

How to keep the brain active: Diet also helps keep the mind agile and fast

Unfortunately, with the rise in the average age, the number of people suffering from has also increased senile dementia and other brain-related diseases. Training the mind is therefore of primary importance right from the start to reduce the risk of running into it degenerative diseases of this fundamental organ. Beyond memory and logic exercises, diet also contributes to keeping the brain active and healthy. Some elements in particular are very useful for this purpose.

How to keep the brain active: 3 secret ingredients

There are basically three ingredients to add to your diet keep the brain active. The first element is the potassium, of which bananas are particularly rich. The second is the phosphorus, which is commonly found in many foods on the table starting with fish, white and red meat, legumes, milk and derivatives such as cheeses, eggs and cereals.

The phosphorus it has the ability to help strengthen bones and teeth, as well as being an essential element for DNA synthesis. According to experts, a human being needs almost 13 g of phosphorus per day for every kilo of weight. The third and most unexpected ingredients is the vitamin B6. This is abundant in everyday foods such as meat, fruit, fish, potatoes and many other vegetables. Several studies confirm the importance of vitamin B6 for the health of the brain. In fact, those who lack it experience symptoms such as anxiety and stress, insomnia, apathy, chronic weakness and mood swings.

We remind you that before changing your diet it is always advisable to contact a doctor, nutritionist or dietician for more targeted advice on which diet is best suited to your particular needs.

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