How to know if it’s time to get a divorce: 7 signs that could reveal it

by time news

Divorce It is a word that nobody wants to hear, but that is often unavoidable. The question is: when is it time to say goodbye? we help you identify if it is time to get divorced, CLICK on THE MAIN PHOTO and discover the signs that could reveal it.

Through her social networks the host, Andrea Legarreta shared with her fans the decision that she and her husband, Plum Rubi, they have taken. “break away”. After more than 20 years of relationship, and sharing two beautiful daughters, the artists have chosen to embark on a path, but for separate.

“Today we feel that our history as a couple has been transformed. And from the deepest sincerity, respect and honesty, and because of the great love we have for each other, we will continue loving each other from another place… Our love story continues as a family, as parents of our beloved daughters, who are what we love most in life and to those who are teaching that a separation from a couple is not a separation from the family, ”wrote the also actress.

Instagram Andrea Legarreta

What is divorce?

He divorce It is the legal process by which the marriage bond between two people is dissolved. That is, it is the end of a marriage that leaves the parties involved free to remarry another person. He divorce can be requested by one or both spousesand it is carried out through a legal process in which the conditions of the dissolution of the marriage are established, such as the division of assets, child support and the payment of alimony.

The dDivorce can be an emotionally difficult process.l for the people involved, especially if there are children involved. That is why, in many countries, couples are required to go through a period of separation before they can file for divorce, in order to give the parties time to reflect on their decision and explore the possibility of reconciliation.

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“We will continue to share life together and as a family. We continue to be partners of our companies and we have plans to work together on projects that we will share… And above all, we continue to be a united family, who love, respect and support each other, so that everyone is happy! This is one of the most difficult and painful decisions we have made! A few months have passed since we decided and we are calm and in acceptance”, Andrea.

Making the decision to get married and start a life as a couple is not easy, but it is even more difficult to decide to separate, especially when everything seems to be going “fine”, although the emotion and love is not the same as when the story began… but how to take the step?

There is no manual for relationships and the only people who can decide when to end a relationship are those who make up a couple. However, specialists point out that there are signs that can help us see that the relationship is going wrong. ENTER THE PHOTO GALLERY TO KNOW THEM.

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How does relationship problems affect health?

Relationships impact our health…both positively and negatively. For example, Strong social ties are associated with a longer life, while loneliness and social isolation are linked to poor health, depression, and risk of early death.

Within these bonds, marriage is one of the most studied links. In this regard, the National Institutes of Health in the United States, point out that, in general, the evidence indicates that it is good for health… except when it doesn’t go well.

Difficulties in a relationship could have significant health consequences. In this sense, it has been found that married couples tend to live longer, but if the marriage is filled with conflict and hostility, the health benefits may be reduced.

This without forgetting the impact on an emotional level and our mental health. According to Mental Health Foundation in the United Kingdom, negative interactions between partners or spouses increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation, while positive interactions reduce the risk.

Finally, being single might give you better mental health outcomes than being unhappily married. Now that you know the impact of a bad relationship on your health, CLICK TO SEE GALLERY OF THE MAIN IMAGE AND KNOW IF IT IS TIME TO THINK ABOUT DIVORCE.

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