How to know if you are the toxic person in the relationship… if you check your partner’s cell phone

by time news

2023-11-10 03:03:54

When they show up relationship problems, Many times we think that the other person causes them because, within our anger, we become so blinded that we lose the ability to see the full picture. We did not imagine that we could be the cause of the decline in the relationship. How do you know if you are the toxic relationship person?

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What is a toxic relationship?

A toxic relationship It is characterized by patterns of destructive behavior of at least one of those involved. For example, manipulation could make you feel like you are never enough; suffocating control limits your freedom and jealousy suffocates you to the point of making you think you are trapped in a vicious cycle of negative emotions and harmful behaviors.

Without a doubt, one of the most common pieces of advice we have heard in recent years is that we should stay away from toxic people to maintain our peace of mind, because these types of people are capable of wearing us down emotionally. However, although we are experts in detecting ‘red flags’ in others, what happens when we are the toxic person in the relationship?

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How does living in a toxic relationship affect you?

Identify toxic behaviors to work on them is part of our personal growth if we want to have healthy emotional ties; Otherwise, it could be the worst experience for those close to you. In accordance with information the National Library of Medicinelive an toxic relationship causes the following effects:

Stress and anxiety.Low self-esteem.Social isolation.Depression.Loss of identity.Physical impact.Cycle of abuse.Difficulty establishing future relationships.Risk of physical abuse.

How do I know if I am the toxic person in the relationship?

If you have already noticed a couple of actions that make you doubt whether you have a degree of toxicity running through your being, for example, you have checked your partner’s cell phone looking for ‘evidence’ about some infidelity even if there are no signs of it, the truth is that you are not respecting their privacy, being one of the main toxic behaviorsbut not the only one:

You don’t take responsibility

In any relationship, it is normal to face problems or differences. However, if you always blame your partner for everything, it is possible that you are avoiding facing reality and are not willing to recognize your own responsibilities. Sometimes, it is essential to understand that you cannot always win every argument and be willing to compromise.

Lack of respect for privacy

Check your partner’s cell phone It is not an innocent action, since respecting privacy is essential to maintaining a healthy relationship. Even if you have concerns about his fidelity, invading his personal space, such as accessing his WhatsApp or scrolling through his photo gallery, can be damaging to the relationship.

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You avoid problems

Escaping from conflicts instead of facing them does not show maturity, but rather fear. Avoiding difficult conversations only makes situations worse, makes your partner feel neglected, and could increase tension in the relationship.

Unrealistic expectations

People are not projects that you can mold according to your desires. While you shouldn’t settle for something you don’t like, you also can’t expect to completely change your partner.

selfishness in the relationship

A relationship involves two people, and sometimes, it is necessary to give in for the sake of Peace of mind and a healthy coexistence. Knowing your partner’s needs and desires is essential, and you should not focus exclusively on your own needs.

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If you felt identified in one or more points, approach your partner to find out how he or she feels in the relationship. The most important is detect harmful behavior to work on them; Otherwise, your partner might end up running away from you.

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If you are interested know if you are still happy with your partner or not anymore, stay and watch the next video.

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