How to learn to live without my mother: face grief with the strength she inherited from you

by time news

2023-05-10 20:58:48

Nobody can replace a mother, that’s why it hurts in the depths of the heart when you know that you will not return to hug heris hear your voice when calling home. We always want to spend more time with her, but when the time comes, it is necessary to take out the fortaleza that they give us for overcome the death of a mother.

They say that mother there is only onethat mother is not the one who generates but the one who breeds and in reality, the maternity involves more than giving birth, educating, caring, loving and unconditional love to the children. Although they are not always ready to be mothers, they will always do their best to become those magical women who heal everything with a hug.

To be mother is to give everything without expecting anything in return, there are many sleepless nights, endless worries, years of running after the children, inventing a thousand ways to camouflage vegetables in food, as well as patiently tolerating the life obstaclestherefore, we become so vulnerable when they are no more

How to learn to live without my mother/ Photo: iStock

The law of life determines that mom is not eternal, sooner or later we will run out of it. We are not always prepared for coping with the death of a mother; an article published by Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicinereveals that the mourning the death of a mother it is proportional to the connection that is lost regardless of whether it has been short-lived or long-lived.

How does it feel to lose a mother?

lose a mother by death is one of the most painful experiences and difficult for many people to overcome because the mother figure He takes us by the hand from the moment we are born. Definitely, lose a mother impact our emotional and psychological well-being.

Some of the feelings that are related to the loss of a mother are intense pain, anxiety, sadness, confusion, fear, anger, guilt because they are part of the grieving process. Although it is also possible to manifest physically through a loss of energy, nervousness, problems falling asleep, changes in weight or digestive problems.

How to learn to live without my mother/ Photo: iStock

How to learn to live with the death of a mother?

He reality check by death of a mother The day of the funeral does not always come, but rather when we want to be with her, but she is no longer there for us. There is no set time frame for get over the death of a motherWe actually learn to live with that loss.

Information the National Library of Medicine, specifies that it is necessary to feel our emotions, acknowledge pain and sadness that causes the loss of a mother or loved one to process the feelings caused by the duelbut also the following recommendations:

Having a support network: the emotional support of family, friends or loved ones is important to seek comfort in the face of the loss of a mother.

How to learn to live without my mother/ Photo: iStock

Honor the memory of the mother: You can create an altar, make a garden in her honor, talk about her or donate her belongings to a charity.

Finding purpose: Although your loss can be devastating, it is an opportunity to reflect on how important it was to you to find new meaning and purpose in life.

Seek help from a professional: If you have been around for a couple of years and feel confident in coping with your loss, consider seeking help from a thanatology professional to grieve with a professional, it might be easier to work on your emotions.

How to learn to live without my mother/ Photo: iStock

What to do when you miss your mom?

miss mom It is an understandable experience, especially when she has already passed away or you live very far from her. Here are some tips that can help you cope with your feelings:

Reflect on your memories with her: write a diary, sit down to remember them or express it with a family member, it will help you reconnect with her and feel her presence in your life.

Find a way to honor your mom: you can do anything in her honor, the point is to think of her while you do it.

If it’s the first Mother’s day that you do without her, do not hesitate to honor her memory with the way you decide to do it, an example of this is the host Joanna Vega-Biestrowho during the transmission of ‘the sun comes out He was moved because it was the first time that an important date had passed without her.

If you want to see how he remembered his memory, stay and watch the following video.


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#learn #live #mother #face #grief #strength #inherited

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