How to listen to Alexa recordings? Step by step to check the history and detect any psychophony

by times news cr

We tell you Step by step how to listen to recordings of Alexathe virtual assistant developed by Amazon.

This way you can check history and detect some recorded psychophony in you Alexa.

Recently, several social media users claimed that their Alexa recorded and responded to psychophonies.

How to listen to Alexa recordings? Here’s the step-by-step guide

On social media, several users began to reveal that their Alexa had recorded psychophoniesdefined as sounds of electronic origin related to paranormal phenomena.

Alexa users were saying that their Amazon-developed assistant responded to questions and commands that they did not issue.


So if you want to check the history and detect any psychophony, here we tell you step by step as Listen to Alexa recordings:

  1. Open the Alexa app
  2. Open More and select Settings
  3. Select Alexa Privacy
  4. Select Check voice history
  5. Choose an entry
  6. Review a specific date range or filter by device or voice ID

Another way to access Alexa recordings is by entering Alexa Privacy Settings in the web browser.

How to delete Alexa recordings?

Las Alexa voice recordings They are used to improve the accuracy of interactions with the Amazon Assistant, so deleting them may cause issues.

In case you still want to eliminate your Alexa voice recordings, we remind you that the messages cannot be recovered once you follow these steps:

  1. Open the Alexa app
  2. Open More
  3. Select Settings
  4. Select Alexa Privacy
  5. Go to Manage your Alexa data
  6. Activate voice deletion
How to listen to Alexa recordings? Step by step to check the history and detect any psychophony


Once these steps are done, you can use voice to delete voice recordings from the time period you want with the commands:

  • “Delete what I just said”
  • “Delete everything I said today”
  • “Delete all my voice history”

2024-08-14 21:25:50

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