How to lose weight quickly? The 8 most common mistakes at the table

by time news

How to lose weight quickly? The advice of Dr. Mocorsini of Humanitas on the most common mistakes at the table that do not allow you to lose weight

The Mediterranean diet it is considered one of the best diets in the world but despite this, even in Italy many mistakes continue to be made at the table. Above all we talk about often unbalanced dishes. Dr. Elisabetta Macorsinibiologist nutritionist at the clinic Humanity Medical Care Of Aresehas compiled a list of the most common mistakes made every day by Italians and which do not help them at all lose weight quickly as they would like.

How to lose weight quickly? Here are the 8 most common mistakes made by Italians

1. Eliminate carbohydrates completely

Many are convinced that eliminating the carbohydrates from the diet is the quickest way to lose weight quickly. This actually robs our body of essential micronutrients, fibre e B vitamins. Eliminating carbohydrates is not only useless but also counterproductive, unless you follow a specific diet under the supervision of an expert such as chetogenica diet.

2. Count calories

Choose foods on the table only on the basis of calories and without considering others nutritional values it’s a very common mistake. For lose weight quickly in fact, a correct diet is needed in which the selection of meals is based on the nutritional quality of what we ingest and the amount of sugars, fats and carbohydrates. It is then necessary to understand which and how many nutrients our body actually needs. Those who have a sedentary lifestyle, for example, need a lower calorie intake than those who are sportier.

3. Skip meals

Skipping meals, especially without specialist monitoring, not only does not help you lose weight fast but can lead to food disorders. Paradoxically, it can also cause an alteration of the metabolism that leads to an increase in the caloric intake for the next meal. Choosing to have only lunch or dinner or lots of snacks throughout the day doesn’t help a lose weight quickly.

4. Consider side dishes of legumes and potatoes

I legumes they are a source of proteins and carbohydrates and should not be considered as a side dish to high foods that contain massively the same nutrients. Chickpeas, beans, potatoes O peas I am therefore not a substitute for vegetables but of high protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs O cheeses. the potatoesrich in carbohydrates, are alternatives to pane O pasta. Vegetables are especially useful for lose weight quickly as they contain fibers that increase the sense of satiety, reduce the absorption of sugars and promote intestinal transit.

5. Not drinking enough

L’water it is essential for the well-being of the organism. Drinking a lot in itself does not do lose weight quickly but it helps to feel full sooner and consequently to feel less hungry. You should drink in between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per dayexcellent substitute for sugary fruit juices or carbonated drinks.

6. Not getting enough fatty acids

I fat they are essential for our health as they play a role in blood clotting and in the proper functioning of the blood cardiovascular system e immune. Eliminating them altogether is not the right way to go lose weight quickly but rather “good” ones of vegetable origin or those derived fromolive oilfrom the blue fishfrom the dried fruitdall’avocado.

7. Prefer “light” foods

The “light” foods they must have 30% less caloric intake than the version of the starting product. However, it is always wise to check the label of both products to make sure there are no added substances such as sugars or hydrogenated fats. Fewer calories doesn’t always mean it’s healthier.

8. Seek advice from the Internet instead of a specialist

The Internet is a resource for finding information and being more aware of the correct diet to follow, but it does not replace the advice of a specialist. In fact, every organism needs a different nutritional intake. Diets do it yourself often either are of no use or in the worst cases can result in weight gain or nutritional imbalances. Relying on one specialist is the answer to losing weight in a correct and lasting way.

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