How to lower triglycerides in the blood? | The Doctor

by time news

What natural treatment exists for high triglycerides – what natural ways to reduce triglycerides are there without drug treatment? Triglycerides are blood fats that are used by the body for various purposes. However, when the values ​​of blood fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides are high, this is dangerous. Blood fats such as triglycerides and cholesterol increase the risk of death, heart disease and stroke. When a person is characterized by high levels of triglycerides, he must consult a specialist in order to receive a thorough diagnosis, treatment and a recommended course of treatment.

How to lower triglycerides in the blood? Photo: Dirk Wohlrabe Pixabay

Sometimes part of the treatment will include medication. This is alongside recommendations for changing the lifestyle in the treatment of reducing triglyceride levels. It is important to remember before turning to complementary and natural treatments to do so in consultation with the attending physician according to the factors of triglycerides and the characteristics of the patient. If so, what might the doctor recommend about lowering high triglycerides? What not to eat when there are high triglycerides in the blood? What to do to lower blood triglycerides without medication? How to lower blood triglycerides without using drugs or with them? How to lower triglycerides in the blood? What helps the diet to lower triglycerides?

How to lower excess triglycerides?

When the range of triglycerides in the blood in a person over the age of 18 is over 150 mg per dL, this is considered a high value. The 150 to 200 mg/dL level is borderline. Whereas the range of 200 to 500 is considered high and dangerous. Above 500 is considered a particularly high and dangerous triglyceride value. So how can you reduce excess triglycerides in the blood? What lowers high triglycerides? How to reduce blood fats? What can help lower the levels of triglycerides in the blood circulation? What should not be eaten when there are high triglycerides? How to lower blood triglycerides in a natural way without drugs? Here are several ways to lower triglycerides:

1. Dietary change: reducing the consumption of processed carbohydrates and sugars including foods including processed grains, flour, bread, pasta, white rice and foods that include starch such as potatoes. We will also reduce the consumption of foods that include sugars, fructose, sugar syrup, honey, silane such as cookies, cakes, sweets and sugary drinks.

2. Make sure to consume healthy foods with a low glycemic value, satisfying and high in dietary fiber such as oats, leafy vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

3. Reduce alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol increases blood triglyceride levels. Therefore we will avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.

4. We will minimize the frequency and quantities of the food we eat. At each meal we will try to reduce the amount of excess food and the frequency of large meals.

5. We will increase the frequency and duration of the physical activity we do. Appropriate physical activity improves body function, maintains weight and helps reduce triglyceride levels in our body.

6. Diagnosing diseases that may be a factor leading to triglycerides, monitoring and treating them will help to reduce triglycerides in the blood.

7. Controlled consumption or replacement of drugs that cause high triglycerides in the blood.

8. We will maintain a balanced weight and lose weight in case we suffer from obesity and overweight. Being overweight is associated with high levels of triglycerides in the blood, so even in the context of high triglycerides in the blood, reducing excess weight will benefit us.

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