How to maintain correct body posture?

by time news

2024-03-01 08:46:36

“The spine suffers when we remain for prolonged periods of time in the same position or in inappropriate positions, when we make repeated efforts, and, finally, when we make sudden movements or maintain very forced postures that alter its natural curves,” explains the Dr. Julio Maset from the pharmaceutical company Cinfa who insists on the need to monitor body posture in each and every one of the daily activities.

Maintaining good postural habits throughout the day is crucial to prevent health problems such as chronic lumbar or cervical pain, deviations of the spine – scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis… -, herniated discs or muscle contractures, as well as problems in other structures, such as the hip or shoulders.

What to do if I spend a lot of time sitting?

Many people spend a lot of time sitting at work or studying and must pay attention to their posture in front of the table and even the computer, a practice that became widespread during the coronavirus pandemic with teleworking.

“At home, it is more likely that the furniture and technological equipment we have does not meet the ergonomic requirements that make it easier to position our body in an appropriate way,” emphasizes Dr. Maset.

For this reason, it is important to sit as far back as possible in the chair, so that your thighs and hips are well supported, and keep your back upright and aligned, resting firmly against the backrest.

“Likewise, it is essential that the heels and toes remain completely supported on the ground – if necessary, using a footrest – and that the hips form an arc of about 110 to 120 degrees with the thighs,” adds the expert. .

The table must be close to the chair, be sufficiently wide and raised about 68 centimeters – in the case of men – and around 65 centimeters – in the case of women – so that, when leaning on it, the arm and the forearm form a ninety degree angle. If you are using a computer, the monitor must be located at a height that allows you to keep your gaze aligned with the middle of the screen and the keyboard must allow you to rest your forearms on the table.

And the body posture when walking or resting at night?

Not only when we are sitting, it is also important to maintain correct posture when engaging in physical activity, such as walking, even during sleeping hours.

walk correctly. According to the doctor, it is to do it “with our head raised and looking forward, as if someone were pulling our head slightly, while keeping our shoulders down and back and slightly activating our abdomen so that it does not protrude. When moving forward, the weight should fall first on the heel and then, naturally, to the ball of the foot.”

With respect to night restthe expert recommends, as the best body posture, “avoid sleeping on your stomach, as it increases the lumbar curvature and forces you to rotate the neck for several hours to be able to breathe properly.”

The ideal is to lie on your side, in a fetal position, with your side resting on the bed and your hips and top knee bent.

As the expert emphasizes, “when lying down, it is also essential to avoid using devices with screens such as a mobile phone, tablet or computer or watching television, since we would be straining the cervical spine and buying tickets for neck pain.”

Photography provided by CinfaSalud

Ten tips to achieve good body posture

1. Try to be aware of your body posture at all times to prevent back and other joint pain. It can help you increase this awareness by practicing disciplines that work with posture, such as Pilates or yoga.

2. When you work or study, take care of all the details. Specifically, the screen should be at eye level to avoid having to raise or tilt your neck. Your back should be straight against the backrest and your feet, well supported on the floor – you can use a footrest. A swivel chair with adjustable backrest and height can also help.

3. Take into account the position of tables and chairs. The table should be close to the chair, be sufficiently wide and raised about 68 centimeters for men and about 65 centimeters for women, so that when leaning on it, the arm and forearm form an angle. ninety degrees.

4. Avoid walking in a hunched position. Instead, straighten your back, raise your head, draw your shoulders back, and contract your abdomen slightly. Also, wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes. Avoid both high-heeled shoes and excessively flat ones.

5. Bend your knees when lifting weights. If you have to pick up a heavy object from the ground, you should not bend your back, but rather bend down, bending your knees and keeping your back straight and your head upright. When lifting it, place yourself firmly on the ground with both feet and lift yourself up using force with your legs and keeping the object as close to your chest as possible.

6. Sleep on your side, in the fetal position, and sit up carefully. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as it increases the lumbar curve, and instead sleep on your side, supported, and with your hips and top knee bent. If you sleep on your back, the pillow should be thin and allow the angle of the head and neck to be the same as when standing. When you go to get up, don’t do it directly and quickly. Instead, lie on your side, extend your legs off the bed, and stand with both arms on the mattress.

7. Maintain proper posture when driving. Adjust the backrest so that the back forms an angle of about 15 to 25 degrees and adjust the distance of the seat so that the hips form an arc with the thighs of about 110 to 120 degrees. You should also move the vehicle seat forward until you reach the pedals so that your legs remain slightly bent and your back is completely supported by the backrest. The knees should be slightly higher than the hips, and the arms should be semi-flexed, never fully stretched.

8. And also when you have to stand for a long time. If work or household activities, such as ironing or cooking, require you to stand for a long time, Raise one of your legs on a low step or stool and alternate them in this position. If you work on a surface, it must be adapted to your height.

9. When carrying weight, distribute it equitably. If you are carrying shopping bags or other types of weight, try to make sure that both arms carry the same weight. If this is not possible, alternate the weight or bag on each arm every so often. If you are carrying a heavy bag, briefcase or computer case, cross it over your chest so that both sides of the body also receive a similar portion of the weight. The most advisable thing, in any case, is wear a backpack of two handles on the upper part of the back.

10. Work and tone your muscles. There are exercises and sports, such as swimming and gymnastics, that improve the muscles involved in maintaining posture, not only the spine, but also the abdominal and pelvic muscles.

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