How to make a self-watering bottle?

by time news

2023-04-21 20:01:26

Most homes have at least one plant, either indoors or outdoors, that helps improve the look of the home, and if you’re looking for an easy way to care for it, we show you how to make a self-watering bottle with just two ingredients.

Photo: iStock

What are the benefits of having plants at home?

A study from the University of Seville analyzed the effects of indoor gardening during the Covid 19 pandemic, which was when the effects of having plants at home could be observed the most and discovered the following:

  • People with more elements of nature (plants) at home, presented higher positive emotions related to plants
  • Those people who live in small places with few or no plants at home, showed more negative emotions

And it is that the results of this study not only apply to the quarantine due to the pandemic, since at a general level it has been shown that having plants nearby has a very positive influence on people.

There are even those who suggest that having and caring for indoor plants helps control mental problems such as stress, anxiety and depression and although they are not a determining factor for their cure, they do help to improve the general mood of the house and the person.

The activity of taking care of a plant: watering it, changing its pot, removing the soil, propagating it, etc. It is a good alternative to help improve the levels of general well-being for people.

Photo: iStock

What is the plant that should not be missing at home?

In general, it is recommended that there be shade plants that do not need direct sun, there are even some that help purify the air, absorb heat and keep your house cool.

Some of these easy-care plants are the telephone or potus, the bond of love or bad mother, the sansevieria, sword or mother-in-law’s tongue. Those three are good alternatives to start your indoor garden because they spread very easily and have the aforementioned properties.

Photo: iStock

How can I make a self-watering bottle?

For this mechanism you will need four elements: A plastic bottle, a Q-tip or Q-tip, a piece of wood, or a broomstick, and a sharp object.

  • The first thing is to wash the plastic bottle so that it does not have any residue that could harm the plants

Photo: Screenshot Instagram (@elpolinizador)

  • Later you are going to take the sharp object (screwdriver, soldering iron, nail, etc.) and you are going to make a hole in the bottle cap

Photo: Screenshot Instagram (@elpolinizador)

  • The hole should be the right size for the Q-tip to fit without leaking or making it too difficult for the Q-tip to enter.

Photo: Screenshot Instagram (@elpolinizador)

  • Now with the help of a piece of wood or broomstick, tie the bottle so that you can fix it to the pot where you want to put it
  • Fill the bottle with water and turn it so that the Q-tip is facing down.

Photo: Screenshot Instagram (@elpolinizador)

  • Secure the bottle to your favorite pot and that’s it, you already have your self-watering bottle

The advantage of making this bottle is that, in addition to being very easy to make, you won’t have to get rid of your favorite pots as would be the case if you made a self-watering pot.

Photo: Screenshot Instagram (@elpolinizador)

With this tip, you will keep your plants with the correct level of water without fear of drowning or drying out.

So that you can take better care of your plants, we share a video with 5 fertilizer options to strengthen and enrich the soil of your plants.

#selfwatering #bottle

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