how to make money on facebook, how to make money on facebook by posting videos

by time news
If you are a Facebook user, you must have seen many videos. An important step in Facebook’s history was the emphasis on videos. Today, short videos like shorts, long videos and live videos are active on Facebook. You can also make money by posting videos on Facebook (Make Money On Facebook).

If you post great videos people will definitely watch them. If you get more followers and views you can earn money from Facebook. This is why all YouTubers post videos on Facebook. We are looking for a way to make money by posting videos on Facebook.

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Monetize videos

Once you post videos regularly and people like them, you can ask Facebook to pay for our videos. We are entitled to a certain percentage of the revenue from the ads that Facebook places in front of those who watch our videos. You can earn money by placing in-stream ads. In-stream ads are a great option for those posting long videos that advertisers feel are important.

Facebook will automatically choose where to place ads in our videos. Ads appear before, during or at the end of the video. We also get the option to select it. Facebook will decide how much we pay based on how many people watch the video and who is running the ad. You can read the Facebook Partner Monetization Policies to know exactly this. Eligibility for ad revenue depends on how many followers you have.

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You can earn money by streaming

Stars is a feature recently introduced by Facebook. You may have seen stars along with likes and comments while streaming videos. It is in live videos. People who live stream gaming videos and others can earn money using Star like this. Stars are sent to support people watching live streaming. We also get certain amount based on how many stars we get while streaming live.

Paid online events

During the covid period, many big events that were planned to be held were not held. It was on this occasion that Facebook came up with the idea of ​​online events. This system of paid online events, which earn money through their live events, has made creators more financially viable. Creating an online entity requires people to pay online to view it. You can also make money by hosting events that people can access.

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