How to play Skyrim in co-op? Our guide to the Skyrim Together Reborn mod

by time news

No need to introduce The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Bethesda’s RPG has become a mainstay in the gaming world since its release in 2011. The good news right now is that it’s now possible to play it co-op.

A little flashback, we are in 2011, the clicking of hooves on the pavement wakes us up from a long sleep. In front of us, three strangers. “Hey, did you end up waking up?”. A few words that have long since become memes and that mark the beginning of an epic adventure on a scale never before seen. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a sacred monster in the history of video games, with no less than 7 million copies sold in the first week of its long existence. Long because the game has existed without flinching for more than ten years, regularly undergoing reissues and crossing the generations of consoles. Anyway, Skyrim is everywhere, we know it by heart and we come back regularly for a little walk in Skyrim, moderated or not. But there is one thing that was previously impossible to do in this RPG: play with others. Note the use of the imperfect, since a team of student modders offers us Skyrim Together Reborn, a mod to rediscover Skyrim in cooperation up to 8 players. We explain how to install it.

The mod will be available from July 8, 2022 at 4 p.m. Our guide will be updated accordingly.


The modders behind Skyrim Together Reborn are a team of students who carried out this project in their own free time, without resources and without donations. In their own words:Our mod is not perfect. It may crash occasionally, some quests will be blocked and there will be bugs. We can’t do anything about it. It’s just about the reality of turning a single-player game into a multiplayer game when you’re not a gigantic studio like Bethesda. But Skyrim Together Reborn is playable and extremely fun.

In addition, you will have to respect certain rules during your session with friends:

  • Only join a server once you have escaped Helgen
  • Keep a single group of players on your server, although multiple is possible, it is not recommended
  • Always keep the same group leader throughout your game
  • Only the party leader can and should interact with NPCs and perform actions requested in certain quest scenes (cast a certain spell or shout)
  • Only the party leader can loot quest items (like the Golden Claw in Tormented Falls Mound)


First of all, before you jump into installing the Skyrim Together Reborn mod, be aware that it only works with the version 1.6 of the game on Steam. Console, VR, Legendary Edition and Xbox Game Pass versions are not compatible. You will therefore need to use Skyrim Special Edition 1.6 or later to be able to take advantage of it (1.6 corresponds to the Anniversary update put online in 2021). To check your version of Skyrim, go to the local game files via Steam, right click on TESV.exe and go to the details tab. Your version should be displayed there.

Host or host a server

Skyrim Together Reborn is based on a classic host and guest system. You will therefore need to create a server to play the game, either by hosting it on your PC, or by having it hosted by the official site created by modders for the occasion.

  • If you choose the option to host your server on, be aware that its installation will be much easier but that you will not have access to your server settings. You will therefore not be able to adjust the PvP options, penalties in the event of death or even configure third-party mods. Visit the site and follow the instructions for easy installation.
  • If you choose to host the server yourself, the installation of the mod will be a little more complicated, but you will be able to manage the options of your game yourself. It is on this option that we will focus in this guide.

Installing your server

So you have chosen the option of hosting your own Skyrim Together Reborn server. To install the mod, you simply need to download it at this address (link to come), then launch the executable file SkyrimTogetherServer.exe. Before you start configuring your server, be aware that you will needopen ports from your router or use Hamachi to accommodate players who are not connected to your local network.

  • Hamachi lets you create and join a private VLAN, and you can find this little piece of software just at this address. This is one more option simple et recommended than the one below. Once Hamachi is installed, create an account, click on the “create a new network” tab then configure the name and password of your server. Your friends will need to follow the same steps and join the Hamachi server you just created.
  • The other, more complex option is to open the ports of your internet router, an operation explained in detail in the excellent tutorial just below:

Once the ports of your router are open, all you have to do is recover your public IP address and pass it on to your friends so they can join your game.

Join a server

This section will be updated as soon as the mod is released.

Configure your server

Once Skyrim Together Reborn is installed, all you have to do is configure your server options. To do this, go to the Skyrim Together installation folder, then to the “config” folder. There you will find the file STServer.ini, open it with your notepad. Here are the most important options and their effects on your game:

  • bConsole : determines if the interactive console is active in game, can be set to “true” or “false”
  • bAnnounceServer : determines if your server appears in the list of visible servers in game. If your server has a password it will not appear in the list. Can be set to “true” or “false”.
  • fGoldLossFactor : Sets the amount of gold a player loses when he dies. This is a percentage to be set between 0 and 1 (ex: 0.10 corresponds to 10% gold lost per death).
  • bEnablePvp : Enables or disables PvP in your game. Can be set to “true” or “false”.
  • bEnableGreetings : Whether or not to enable NPC greetings when players pass by. Since audio is synchronized for all players, setting this option to “false” can save you some headaches. Can be set to “true” or “false”.
  • uDifficulty : sets the difficulty of the game, imposed on all guests. 0 = Novice | 1 = Apprentice | 2 = Follower | 3 = Expert | 4 = Master | 5 = Legendary.
  • sPassword : imposes a password on your server, highly recommended option. Your server will disappear from the mod’s list of active servers, so your friends will have to connect to it manually.
  • sServerName : determines the name of your server.
  • uPort : the port on which your server is active, a particularly important value if you want to open your ports (see earlier in this tutorial)

Save your changes and launch your server. If you want to undo your changes to the file, shut down your server, delete the STServer.ini file, and relaunch it.

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