How to prepare for future epidemics? | Tharathorn Rattanarumitsorn

by time news

The crisis is considered a major test of the preparedness system. and deal with each country’s crises Therefore, each crisis should not be wasted without learning any lessons from what happened.

Because in the future, there might be a repeat of the same crisis. Or there may be other forms of crisis occurring again. A country that is ready to deal with crises will be able to drive the country towards the future steadily.

Professor Máire Connolly, expert in epidemiology and global health has warned that other epidemics The future is inevitable. The risk of a new epidemic is higher than ever. The most likely scenarios for the next outbreak are: new strain of influenza or newly discovered virus such as the new strain of corona virus

There are many factors contributing to the risk of new outbreaks, such as large-scale livestock farming. deforestation biosafety measureslax in the laboratory and an increased risk of intentional biological release or use.biological weapon

The occurrence of an epidemic is characterized by the risk of an event. that can happen anywhere in the world in which animals and humans live close to each other Germs can cause epidemics, andclimate changehas increased the risk of a pandemic

Higher temperatures allow disease-carrying insects to multiply and invade new epidemic management system tends to be more ready for the next major outbreak due to the technology developed for vaccines Diagnosis and treatment

In dealing with the future pandemic crisis Each country’s policy-makers will need to review the crisis, take lessons from it, and invest in preparation or preparation.risk management planfor the country to be ready to face crises in the future One example that would be a good case study is the case of Singapore.

During March 2023, Singapore released a compelling White Paper on Singapore’s response to COVID-19: Preparing Singapore better for the future. next pandemic)

by reviewing the situation of the COVID-19 crisis occurred in the past three years. what the country is doing well What the country could have done better and lessons in dealing with the future

In this white paper, we review Singapore’s response to the pandemic. Present case studies on both achievements and learning opportunities.

Singapore is a country that counts. has been reasonably successful in protecting lives and preserving the livelihoods of citizens can maintain the flexibility of the healthcare system And able to vaccinate the population thoroughly

It can also provide important assistance to the business sector. Make the supply chain continuity And the country’s economy can recover quickly.

However, the review found that there are many areas that Singapore should improve, such as dealing with the early outbreak in migrant dormitories. increasing efforts to track cases and the adoption of technology to be faster and more concise Including border measures that should be more decisive.

How to prepare for future epidemics?  | Tharathorn Rattanarumitsorn

From these experiences The white paper distills seven key lessons for preparing for the next pandemic:
1. Set clear priorities across dimensions in dealing with the epidemic according to the stage or phase of the situation ready to adapt to rapidly changing situations
2. Strengthen the country’s resilience by strengthening the economy, society and the country by ensuring access to vital resources. Investing in key systems and improvementinfrastructureand the adaptability of the workforce
3. Promote cooperation with the private and public sectors. Build an ecosystem that supports relationships between them at regular intervals. to prepare for cooperation during future crises
4. Increase the capacity of healthcare andpublic health expertise Expand healthcare infrastructure and improve expertise in controlling and managing communicable diseases.
5. Take advantage ofscience and technology Invest in data engineering capabilities, interoperable systems. and cyber security
6. Improve effective crisis planning and management.
7. Develop clear and transparent public communications. Informing the public and building confidence government confidence as well as creating current strategies to support changes during a crisis.

A pandemic will surely happen again in the future. Just don’t know when it will happen, so the country should prepare in advance.

take lessonssuccess and failure Invest in a crisis response system. both in terms of resources, personnel, technology systems and relationships of people in society so that the country has the capacity to respond to future crises and can be managed better than before

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