how to preserve groundwater?

by time news
Groundwater tables are dependent on cyclic recharges brought by so-called “effective” precipitation. JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP

In France, the winter rains are not always enough to recharge these precious reserves of drinking water. They need help more than ever to maintain their level.

The groundwater level in France is “worrying“: this is the alert issued by the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM), in its latest bulletin, published on August 11. A drop causing restrictions on the use of drinking water in the territory. This situation, recurrent in August, could be brought to reproduce in a more violent way. Forecasts by meteorologists predict earlier and earlier droughts as well as drier winters.

Groundwater tables are naturally replenished by winter rains called cyclical recharge. This precipitation is called effective “. Concretely, this efficiency is determined by the capacity of a drop of rain to penetrate the ground as far as the underground reservoir, without being sucked up by the vegetation. A long and uneven process between regions, stretching from October to March. However, according to climate forecasts, this type of precipitation is set to become inexorably rare.

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