How to prevent Burnout syndrome in doctors?

by time news

2023-08-30 21:16:19

In recent years we have suffered one of the most problematic periods of the most doubtful health crisis and health professionals have been exposed to conditions of physical and mental discomfort. This causes the so-called burnout syndrome, but how can they deal with this situation? Coming up next, we tell you.

Increasingly, the health sector gives more priority to mental health in order to improve the well-being of health workers, either with psychological therapies or help desks. Although there are few professionals in the sector who seek help for their psychological discomfort and overcome Burnout syndrome. It is estimated that 40% of doctors try to avoid any type of mental health treatment.

Listening groups are a good option to alleviate Burnout syndrome

Although doing physical activity and having a balanced diet, in addition to having family support are the main measures to take, at the organizational level many solutions can be carried out. For example, there are listening groups, which are safe spaces where health professionals can withdraw temporarily from situations that are stressful for them and receive support.

Digital medicine, in addition to allowing better work management and better organization of appointment bookings, calls, messages and visits, can contribute to alleviating Burnout syndrome, since it alleviates work-related exhaustion symptoms.

More steps should be taken in reference to work stress

Over the years, there have been many advances in debunking mental health biases. Although it is necessary to go a step further due to the stigma associated with work stress for doctors, nurses and other types of health professionals.

The main thing that can be done is to face the challenges imposed by the health emergency and make each and every one of the branches of Medicine work together to prevent the appearance of Burnout syndrome, encouraging each other to seek professional help in case they need it.

#prevent #Burnout #syndrome #doctors

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