2024-08-06 03:01:46
Wireless earphones are one of the necessities of modern people. Since there are no cables to get in the way, you can enjoy music and videos comfortably anytime, anywhere. Recently, wireless connection stability, sound quality, battery life, etc. have been continuously improving. As a result, the number of users is also increasing. According to data released by Gallup Korea in July, wireless earphone users aged 18 or older increased from 41% in 2020 to 59% in 2024. By age, 81% of those in their 20s and 77% of those in their 30s use wireless earphones. The figure is also 47% for those in their 60s.
However, there are some things to be careful about when using wireless earphones. If you wear them for a long time, side effects may occur. A typical example is otitis externa. The incidence of otitis externa is high in the summer when humidity is high and people often play in the water. This time, we will learn about how to prevent otitis externa when using wireless earphones.
Wireless earphones that create hot and humid environments
The external auditory canal is a passage from the entrance of the ear to the eardrum. It is 25~30mm long, 7~9mm in diameter, and slightly curved in an S shape. Otitis externa refers to a disease in which the external auditory canal is infected with bacteria and becomes inflamed. When otitis externa occurs, pain, itching, and a stuffy feeling in the ear canal may occur. In severe cases, pus may also ooze out. If treated early, it can be easily recovered, but if left untreated, it can lead to chronic diseases or complications.
Otitis externa occurs more frequently in hot and humid environments. Frequent water play and showering can also cause otitis externa. This is why there are many patients with otitis externa in the summer.
Wireless earphones are also one of the causes of otitis externa. This is because they block the ear canal and increase the internal humidity and temperature. This is especially true for in-ear or canal-type earphones that are inserted deep inside the ear and block the ear canal. They have the advantage of blocking external noise and allowing you to focus solely on music, but they also create an environment where bacteria can easily multiply.
Maintain a dry environment and clean regularly.
How can I prevent otitis externa when using wireless earphones? First, you need to keep the inside of your ears dry. To do this, you need to open your ears periodically and ventilate your ears. If you wear earphones for a long time, the temperature and humidity will rise due to the closed environment. It is recommended to take out the earphones at regular intervals and circulate air inside your ears to lower the humidity and temperature.
Wearing earphones right after swimming, exercising, or showering also increases the risk of otitis externa. You should wear them after drying them thoroughly with a dry towel, hair dryer, or natural drying. It is recommended to avoid using earphones in sweaty situations.
You should also avoid any actions that continuously irritate the external auditory canal. Choose the eartip that covers the part where the sound comes out and choose the size that fits you best. Do not press too hard when wearing the earphones. Continuously irritating the external auditory canal can make it vulnerable to infection and cause inflammation.
Lastly, keep the eartips and earphones clean. Since the eartips come into direct contact with the skin inside the ear, they should be cleaned regularly. It is recommended to use clean water or a disinfectant wipe containing alcohol. Of course, after cleaning, they should be completely dried before use. It is also a good idea to replace the eartips periodically.
It is also recommended to clean the earphones using a cotton swab or soft cloth. However, soap, detergent, chemicals, compressed air, etc. are not recommended as they may damage the product.
If you must wear wireless earphones for a long time, we recommend using products that can be used with your ears open, such as open-type earphones or bone conduction earphones. Since you can always keep your ears open, you can prevent the humidity and temperature inside your ears from rising. If that is not possible, you can also use one earphone at a time. In addition, some wireless earphones have UV sterilization functions in their cases to maintain hygiene. In terms of hygiene, these products are also recommended.
If you experience any unusual symptoms such as ear discomfort, itchiness, or discharge, immediately remove the earphones and do not use them for a while. Do not ignore even mild symptoms and be sure to visit an otolaryngologist. When symptoms improve and you use the earphones again, you must thoroughly disinfect them before using them.
Han Man-hyeok, IT Donga reporter [email protected]
2024-08-06 03:01:46