How to prevent the car from breaking down if you park on the beach

by time news

2023-07-30 16:42:00

The beach is the destination chosen by many to spend these days away from the crowds of cities and enjoy the refreshing water of the sea. However, if we travel with our vehicle to coastal destinations, it is important to take into account a series of recommendations so that the climatic characteristics of those regions, accentuated in summer, do not affect our car.

It is advisable to take extra care with our vehicle when traveling to coastal areas this summer, where conditions such as humidity and sun can affect the proper functioning of different elements of the vehicle.

On the one hand, it must be taken into account that car batteries are very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, especially when it is very hot. If they are exceeded 20º, faster aging can occur.

Heat can also affect tire pressure and condition. Excess heat, added to very hot asphalt, can cause premature wear. Therefore, they must be checked before a long trip, especially if the car has been parked for a while.

High temperatures can also alter fluid levels, which should also be checked, especially coolant, oil level, and windshield wipers.


The shade is always coveted, but even more so on the coast

In summer it is important to leave the vehicle in a shady place, but even more so in beach areas. The temperature difference between a car parked in the shade and outside in summer can be 20ºC, this fact speeds up the times by not having to wait for the passenger compartment to acclimate before getting in.

In addition, overexposure to ultraviolet rays (UV) can cause it to lose its color and shine, so it is advisable to minimize their action with a layer of protective wax or use an aluminized cover that covers the light while reduces the impact of temperature.


When the heat arrives… checking fluids is key

High temperatures can put the vital fluids in your vehicle to the test and more so in coastal areas. It is essential to regularly check the levels and quality of fluids, such as engine coolant and oil, to ensure optimal performance in extreme temperature conditions.

Intense heat can cause more rapid evaporation of fluids and increase stress on engine components. Therefore, it is key to check and refill fluids properly before a trip to the beach to avoid serious problems such as engine overheating or damage to cooling systems. This simple maintenance will protect the car and avoid any setback, according to the experts of oscaro.


Inside as outside, take care of the upholstery

There are different fabrics and finishes on the market for car upholstery. However, they all have a common enemy: sand and water. After a dip in the seashore, it is important to dry off well and remove as much sand as possible.

This simple gesture is important, since the mixture of wet clothes and sand can spoil the upholstery and impregnate it with an unpleasant musty smell. It is recommended, especially if the trip includes small children, to use seat covers to avoid damaging the upholstery if you enter the passenger compartment with wet clothes. Another alternative, especially if the dip was not planned, is to use towels between the wet clothes and the car upholstery to avoid direct contact.


The saltpeter, the silent enemy

Coastal areas are characterized by having a high concentration of environmental humidity. Due to its proximity to the sea, humidity is made up of a large amount of salt and nitrate, two elements that do not go well with the body of the car.

Saltpeter is a component that is found naturally in salt and favors the corrosion of some vehicle materials such as metals, rubber or upholstery fabrics. Currently, cars come with protection to prevent corrosion, but it doesn’t hurt, especially in the case of rubber or upholstery, to take some extra precautions. The best solution to prevent saltpeter from affecting our car is to wash it regularly with pressurized water, avoiding rubbing, since doing so could scratch the paint.

In the interior area of ​​the vehicle, you will have to be a little more meticulous when cleaning the bodywork and tires, using other cleaning elements such as dry foam to ensure that the saltpeter has been completely removed.


Air conditioning, the great ally

During the summer, but more so in coastal areas, it is important to pay attention to the car’s air conditioning system. The refrigeration gas can be gradually lost due to small leaks in the circuit, resulting in a malfunction of the air conditioning. A simple check will avoid inconvenience for both the driver and the passengers by guaranteeing correct air conditioning in the passenger compartment. In addition, correct operation will prevent us from having to open windows or doors to acclimatize the car excessively, helping to prevent saltpeter and humidity from permeating the tires and bodywork.

In the same way, it is advisable not to force the air conditioning system with very low temperatures, in general, regulating the air conditioning from seven to ten degrees below the ambient temperature is enough to travel without suffering the oppressive heat.

#prevent #car #breaking #park #beach

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