how to prevent the disease from becoming too painful –

by time news

2023-04-18 15:17:50

Of True Martinella

The recommended Herpes Zoster vaccine is available for free for over 65s and immunosuppressed people. But all those who have had chickenpox are at risk of getting sick

It is said that Sant’Antonio Abate, a hermit in the desert, resisted the insidious attacks of the devil, suffering serious and painful burns. A similar suffering that caused by the fire of St. Anthony, popular name of’Herpes Zoster
disease caused by the reactivation of the varicella virus. In Italy it seems that the cases are increasing, but there are no precise estimates or official registers that take the account so it is not possible to say exactly. certain for the effectiveness of the vaccine, available free of charge for 65-year-olds and immunosuppressed people, especially useful for avoiding the worst consequences of the disease.

Symptoms: pain, itching and pustules

The Varicella Zoster Virus, after causing chickenpox, can remain hidden for years without giving any sign of its presence. John Rezza director general of health prevention at the Ministry of Health -. Especially after the age of 50, the virus can reawaken causing Herpes Zoster, a disease of viral origin characterized by ainflammation of the nerve ganglia which causes an intense sensation of burning pain (that’s why they call it “fire”), itching and, after about a week, a skin erythema with vesicles containing fluid, similar to those of chicken pox. Usually the disturbances are localized in a very specific area (side, chest, bust, face are the most frequent locations) and what makes this disease particularly frightening is its duration: especially in the elderly and more frail people, the manifestations last several weeks andmost frequent complicationa very painful one post-herpetic neuralgiait can last even months.

The vaccine to avoid the heaviest consequences

This is why Herpes Zoster is included in the National Plan for Vaccinations and the Ministry of Health has planned an awareness campaign to inform about the advantages of protection, especially after the age of 65. There are two different vaccines available, one providing a single injection and the other two. The choice is made by the doctor on the basis to the characteristics of the single person – explains Rezza -. The vaccination is offered free of charge to those who turn 65, but several regions have already organized themselves to offer it to all over 65s as well. The protection is strongly recommended above all to those who, having a weaker immune system, risk both suffering more intensely and for longer and developing complications (very rarely lethal), but very debilitating such as the long and tiring post-operative neuralgia. herpetica: i.e. the elderly and all immunocompromised people, such as those who have had a transplant or those affected by HIV, immune system diseases or tumors.

How to get the vaccine

In practice, the procedure to follow is similar to that of the seasonal flu and pneumococcus vaccine: you must contact your general practitioner in order to be directed to your reference vaccination centre. Those who are entitled to it receive the vaccine for free, otherwise you have to pay a ticket. For those who get sick, what are the most effective therapies? Yes they can decrease the duration and severity of shingles episodes using specific antiviral drugs that should be administered in the first few days – concludes the expert -. For most healthy people who start treatment soon after the skin rash appears, the lesions disappear, the pain subsides within three to five weeks, and the blisters usually do not leave scars. It is then possible to use painkillers, anti-inflammatories, cold compresses to alleviate the pain and itching. Anyone who has never had chickenpox is in no danger, but in order not to transmit the Herpes Zoster virus, it is important not to scratch the vesicles, wash your hands often, keep the rash covered, do not share personal items (e.g. towels). Sick people can go out, but they should avoid letting other people in contact with the skin rash.

April 18, 2023 (change April 18, 2023 | 3:17 pm)

#prevent #disease #painful

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