How to Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency in Children: Sun Exposure, Nutrition, and More

by time news

2023-06-21 08:46:31

How can vitamin D deficiency in children be prevented?

To prevent vitamin D deficiency in children, there are several measures that can be taken. An important one is the sun exposure. Children should play in the fresh air regularly and be exposed to sunlight on their face, arms and legs for about 15-30 minutes a day. However, make sure your child avoids the midday sun and uses adequate sunscreen to avoid sunburn.

One balanced nutrition is also crucial. Foods that contain naturally or artificially fortified vitamin D should be included in the diet. These include high-fat fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring, eggs, dairy, and fortified foods like breakfast cereal or margarine.

For children who are at increased risk of deficiency or live in regions with little sun exposure, a Dietary supplement with vitamin D to be necessary. However, the use of dietary supplements should always be done under medical supervision to ensure proper dosage.

Regular check-ups at the doctor’s are also important to check vitamin D levels in children. In addition, you can clarify questions or concerns and receive individual advice and guidance.

Also interesting: How much vitamin D does the body need every day?

How much vitamin D do children need?

Paediatricians recommend prophylactic administration of vitamin D in the form of tablets or drops for infant children. They absorb too little of the sun vitamin from breast milk, and their skin does not yet produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D on its own.

Die recommended daily dose of vitamin D for children varies by age and individual needs. According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), the recommendations are as follows:

Infants (0-12 months): 10 µg (400 IU) of vitamin D per day Children and adolescents (1-18 years): 20 µg (800 IU) of vitamin D per day

In an interview with the Apotheken Umschau, pediatrician Tanja Brunnert says:

We recommend From the end of the first week of life 400 to 500 international units daily, in any case up to the first birthday. For the second year of life we ​​advise to continue this additional gift in the winter months.

In infancy, the daily requirement can then be met primarily through the skin itself. Staying in the fresh air and sun exposure are important for young children’s health.

#Vitamin #Children #Important

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