How to protect ourselves from the cold during the low temperatures announced by INUMET

by time news

2023-08-27 15:04:43

Winter in Uruguay can be challenging, with temperatures often dropping to uncomfortably low levels, sometimes approaching zero on the thermometer. When the Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology (Inumet) announces the arrival of cold weather conditions, it is essential that we prepare properly to stay warm and safe.

Dress in layers: The secret to staying warm in winter is to dress in layers. Start with a thermal shirt or undershirt to keep your body warm. Then add a shirt or sweater and finally a windproof coat. This layering will allow you to adjust your clothing according to the temperature and prevent the cold from taking you by surprise.

Protect your extremities: Hands and feet are the most vulnerable areas when it’s cold. Be sure to wear thick gloves and socks to keep them warm. Consider waterproof boots to keep your feet dry, as humidity can increase the feeling of cold.

Essential accessories: Don’t underestimate the power of a scarf and hat. Much of your body heat is lost through your head and neck, so keeping these areas covered is essential to conserving heat. Opt for warm materials like wool.

Hydration and nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet and make sure you drink enough water. Good nutrition helps you keep your body warm, as it provides the necessary energy to fight the cold. Hot foods like soups and teas are also comforting on colder days.

Avoid sudden temperature changes: If you must go outside, try not to expose yourself to extreme cold for long periods of time and avoid quickly going in and out of warm places. Sudden changes in temperature can put stress on your body and increase your risk of colds.

Also remember get general health checkups during the winter, because fender changes and other imbalances can be a problem.

I read more than british hospital

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