How to protect yourself from the heat, from the Ministry of Health 10 rules for summer in safety

by time news

2023-07-12 11:47:36

No going out during the hottest hours, use the air conditioning but without exaggerating, sport only in the evening and don’t forget that pets must also be protected from high temperatures. These are some indications of the decalogue released by the Ministry of Health through the campaign, starting today, ‘Let’s protect ourselves from the heat: 10 simple rules for a safe summer’. A series of “simple behavioral habits and preventive measures” which “can contribute to considerably reducing the harmful consequences of heat waves”. Indications able to “limit exposure to high temperatures; facilitate cooling of the body and avoid dehydration; reduce risks in the most fragile people (elderly people, people with health problems, taking medicines, infants and very young children )”.

These are the suggestions of the Ministry of Health: 1) Do not go out during the hottest hours: during a heat wave, avoid direct exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day (between 11 and 18). 2) Improve the home and work environment: the simplest measure is the shielding of the windows facing south and south-west with curtains and adjustable blinds (shutters, venetian blinds) that block the passage of light, but not that of air . Of course, the use of air conditioning is effective, but it must be used with care, avoiding regulating the temperature at levels that are too low compared to the outside temperature. A temperature between 25-27°C with a low humidity rate is sufficient to ensure well-being and does not expose you to sudden changes in temperature compared to the outside. Mechanical fans should also be used with caution, as they accelerate the movement of the air, but do not lower the ambient temperature; for this the body continues to sweat. It is therefore important to continue taking large quantities of liquids. When the internal temperature exceeds 32°C, the use of the fan is not recommended because it is not effective in combating the effects of the heat.

3) Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruit is an essential measure to counteract the effects of the heat. Especially for the elderly it is necessary to drink even if you don’t feel the urge to thirst. However, there are particular health conditions (such as epilepsy, heart, kidney or liver disease) for which excessive fluid intake is contraindicated. If you are suffering from any disease you should consult your doctor before increasing your fluid intake. It is necessary to consult your doctor even if you are following a treatment that limits the intake of liquids or favors their elimination. 4) Moderate the intake of caffeine-containing beverages, avoid alcoholic beverages. 5) Have light meals: digestion is a real job for our body that increases the production of heat in the body.

Social and health workers must hydrate themselves before the shift, for them the disturbances from high temperatures are more frequent

And again: 6) Dress comfortably and lightly, with cotton, linen or natural fiber clothing (avoid synthetic fibers). When outdoors, it is helpful to wear light-colored, light-colored hats to protect your head from the direct sun. Also protect your eyes with sunglasses with UV filters. Particular attention to children. 7) In the car, remember to ventilate the passenger compartment before starting a journey, even if the car is equipped with a ventilation system. In this case, adjust the temperature to values ​​approximately 5 degrees lower than the outside temperature, avoiding pointing the climate control vents directly at the passengers. If you must travel, avoid the hottest hours of the day (especially if the car is not air conditioned) and always keep a supply of water in the car. Never leave babies, children or animals in the car, even for short periods.

8) Avoid exercise during the hottest hours of the day. In any case, if you exercise, you need to drink plenty of fluids. For athletes it may be necessary to compensate for the loss of electrolytes with supplements. 9) Offer assistance to people at greater risk (such as the elderly who live alone, infants, etc.) and report any situations that require intervention to the social and health services. In the elderly, an alarm bell is the reduction of some daily activities (moving around the house, getting dressed, eating, going to the bathroom regularly, washing), which can indicate a worsening of the state of health. Check the body temperature of infants and young children, lowering it with a tepid shower and when possible open the diaper. 10) Give pets plenty of fresh water and leave it in a shaded area.

It is important to follow the recommendations to protect yourself from the heat, underlines the ministry. In particular, social and health workers must follow some precautions, as they encounter heat-related disturbances more frequently than other people: it is therefore important that these workers begin to cool off and hydrate themselves already before the work shift. The decalogue, which can be consulted on the Ministry of Health website, will be found – in a brochure and on a poster – in pharmacies, medical offices and veterinary offices, thanks to the collaboration of institutions such as Fimmg, Fnomceo, Fnovi, Fofi, Simg, Federfarma, Assofarm and United Pharmacies. In the poster there is a QR code through which more detailed information can be easily found. Videos and individual ‘cards’ with the advice of the decalogue ‘Proteggiamoci dal heat’ will be disseminated on social networks.

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