How to put luggage on a motorcycle

by time news

Autumn is the favorite time for many bikers to organize a motorcycle route, without the suffocating heat of summer, or the inclement weather of winter. But before preparing a getaway, we must be clear about the most recommended charging accessories. Initially, AMV recommends more rear trunks and rigid side cases, since they are quite resistant to any blow and also better withstand bad weather, in autumn we can find it more easily with rain and for that they are ideal. In addition, in the market we can also find soft bags, an alternative to rigid cargo accessories, among them the most demanded are side panniers, tank bags, saddle bags, tunnel bags for scooters… Lastly and more thoughtfully For those who have classic, historic or custom-style bikes, equipment manufacturers offer leather trunks and saddlebags. And also other leather accessories such as hair rollers, bags or ties for the tank that make it easier to transport personal items.

Once we have our cargo accessory, we have to prepare and choose the luggage to carry, something that is not the most complicated part of a getaway, but place it and secure it properly on the bike It is something that brings many bikers upside down.

1. Fasten the cargo accessory well to the motorcycle: So that the cargo accessories do not affect the driving of our motorcycle, the first thing we must do is make sure that they are securely fastened to the vehicle, since if they come off while driving, they will not only affect the behavior of the motorcycle, but also , if they fall onto the road, they will pose a danger to other drivers and can cause a traffic accident in both cases.

2. control weight: Once we have the loading accessories securely fastened, we must know how much weight our motorcycle can support with driver, passenger and cargo. For this, it is best to consult the technical sheet of our motorcycle, there are some digits with the maximum capacity that we can transport your vehicle, MMA (Maximum Authorized Mass), and the empty weight of the vehicle, known as TARA. The difference between both weights is the amount of payload that we can carry. However, we must take into account that the TARE reflected in the Technical Inspection Sheet is the weight of the vehicle totally empty, without gasoline, or oil, nor, of course, driver. On the other hand, it must be remembered that the load capacity of the travel accessories is limited, in addition, in order not to compromise the stability of the motorcycle or cause damage to the vehicle, it is essential that the suitcases or side panniers have a like weight.

3. Load the essentials and protect it well: It is very important not to go crazy when ‘packing our suitcase’, in the case of clothes it is convenient to have seen beforehand how long it will take us to select only what is essential and fold it in such a way that it occupies as little space as possible . Manufacturers sell fully waterproof bags to place inside the charging accessories and in this way they are well protected and prevent them from getting wet in case we have a water leak. If we do not use them, it is highly recommended to store the most delicate objects in plastic bags.

4. Organize our belongings well: When starting to load our belongings, and especially if we are going to take a long trip, we must place what we are not going to use during the trip at the bottom of the load accessories. And place the things that we may need during the journey more at hand, yes, you always have to verify that the luggage is well secured within the cargo accessories. If you travel with a tank bag, you should try to put the heaviest objects in it and store the lightest ones in the rear trunk or in the saddle bag. In this way we will distribute the weight better and the behavior of the motorcycle will not be affected. By the way, the tank bag must be placed in such a way that it does not affect the handling of the motorcycle or prevent the visualization of the instrumentation.

5. Beware of overweight: It is very important to know that being overweight can affect the motorcycle’s center of gravity, suspensions, turning angle, braking distance or light projection. In the case of the latter, it could even cause dazzling to other drivers.

6. Do not exceed the limits: In order to drive safely and that the cargo accessories are not dangerous, it is essential not to exceed the width limits allowed to load the motorcycle according to the General Traffic Regulations. Specifically, in vehicles less than one meter wide, the load must not protrude laterally by more than 0.50 meters on each side of its longitudinal axis. And it will not be able to protrude through the anterior extremity either. Not more than 0.25 meters from the back.

7. Check the tires and drive a few kilometers as a test: Once we have carried out all these tips and our motorcycle is already loaded and ready for the trip, before starting we should check the tire pressure. The best thing is to go to a service station and check that it is the right one for the weight that we have placed on it. And before finally setting off, it is better not to rush and travel a few kilometers not far from our house verifying that everything is in order and that it is not necessary to make any changes to the load or adjust the suspensions. It must be taken into account that with a heavily loaded motorcycle, the behavior of the motorcycle will be less stable, the braking distance will increase, the grip in curves will decrease, the overtaking maneuver will be less safe and other drivers will be dazzled.

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