How to read the stars of the sky in winter | panorama

by time news

Those interested in astronomy love to observe the sky and the movements of the stars, but observing the stars in winter is an exceptional feature. There are two belts in it, namely the belt of the “Jabbar Spur” and a belt above it, which is the belt of “Perseus”. In these two belts, the stars shine clearly, as it is easy to observe them because they are as close as possible to the planet Earth.

What are the most prominent stars in the winter sky and how are they read?
Many bright stars can be observed in the winter season, and their reading varies from one country to another, depending on the geographical location in relation to the latitude, the date of observation according to the Gregorian calendar, and the local time during monitoring, which depends on the geographical longitude, and the following are the most prominent stars that can be monitored in the sky Winter and how to read it:

The word constellation means a group of stars that, when viewed in a well-known way, look like an animal or a human. The ancients depicted the constellation of Orion in the form of a fighter carrying a club in one hand and a shield in the other, with a sword sheath hanging from his belt. The constellation of Orion can be seen in the form of seven prominent luminous stars. Four of them appear in the form of a square, and the other three line up in the center of the square straight, and interspersed with what looks like a faint cloud, in the corner of the constellation lies a large star called “House of Sagittarius”, adjacent to it is another planet, “Saif”, which appears blue because of its very high temperature .

As for the star adjacent to it, it is the star “Rail”, which is also a hot planet. As for the fourth star in the group and closest to the planet Earth, it is the star “Bellatrix.” The “Nazm” star is in the middle, and the “Nazm” star is at the bottom. The stars of the belt of Orion are considered the brightest stars in the constellation, which is why some call it the pearl necklace. The Orion constellation can be clearly observed in late autumn and early winter, as its stars gather in the southern direction. East of the sky, around eight o’clock in the evening in the beginning of December.

Canis Major
The most important characteristic of the constellation of the Great Dog is the presence of a star in it that is considered one of the closest stars to planet Earth, the star Sirius. Sirius by this name because it is located to the right of the belt of Orion, and it revolves around Sirius a small planet the size of the planet Uranus, and its mass is higher than the mass of the sun, and it can be seen as a large nebula revolving around Sirius.

Canis Minor
The constellation of the Lesser Dog consists of two stars, “Al-Shi’ari Al-Shamiya” and “Al-Ghamida.” The star “Al-Shi’ari Al-Shamiya” is located above the Yemeni star Sirius, to the left, and this is why it is usually easy to locate it. Winter.” As for the star of Al-Ghamida, it is also called “Al Marzam” and is located in the south of the sky.

Taurus The Bull
The constellation of Taurus is one of the most famous things that can be observed in the winter sky. The “Pleiades” group, and the star Aldebaran, which appears red in color, forms the right eye of the bull, while the “Ain” star forms the other eye of the bull.

In the middle of the constellation appear two groups of stars: the group “Al Qalads”, which represents the face of the bull and appears in the form of a “V”, while the other group is known as the group “Pleiades” or the group of the “Seven Sisters”, which represents a cluster in the neck of the bull. Most of the stars can be seen. Stars of the constellation Taurus with the naked eye.

The constellation of Gemini appears to be the closest group to the north of the sky, and it can clearly appear next to the constellation of Orion. The constellation of Gemini is formed of four stars. It is said in ancient myths that it forms two twin heads looking at the Earth, the first twin head is the red star Pollux, and the head of the twin The second is the white star Plato “Castor”, and to the north of the constellation of Gemini lies a small constellation called “the Auriga” in the middle of the bright star “Al-Ayouq”, and this constellation appears in the form of a pentagram.

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