How to remove pet hair from the washing machine in a simple way

by time news

Las pets They’re cute, but the downside of the hairier ones is that they leave little bits of them everywhere. On the floor, on the sofa, on the curtains or carpets. When sweeping, everything is like a huge ball of yarn.

And yes, your question may be about how to remove pet hair from the washing machine. Relax, although it seems like an impossible battle to win, you can get it successfully and I will tell you how to do it.

It must be considered that some animals They shed twice a year. In spring and in autumn. However, if you notice that this loss is more frequent and excessive, the reason could be another. To find out, it is best to go to the vet. He considers that the excessive drop in by thecan cause allergy in some people.

continuous brushing. It is best to brush the pet every day, so that the dead hair will fall on the brush and not be scattered all over the house.

Balanced diet. Diet greatly influences the health of your pet. What you eat must nourish you and be of quality so that it provides you with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

At home…

Try to clean frequently so that hair does not accumulate and thus is less likely to stick to your clothes. You can sweep, although it is better to vacuum so that as much lint is removed.

How to remove hair from the washing machine

How to remove pet hair from the washing machine in a simple way. Photo: iStock

There are several effective ways to quickly remove dog hair of the clothes.

brush the clothes: Use a clothes brush or sticky roller to pick up dog hair from the surface of the garment. Move the brush in one direction and firmly, and repeat until you have removed all the hairs.

Use duct tape: If you don’t have a sticky roller, use sticky tape. Wrap the tape around your hand sticky side out and press the tape onto the clothing, repeating until all the hairs have been removed.

Use a damp sponge: Moisten a sponge with water and rub the surface of the garment to collect dog hair. If the hairs are persistent, add a little detergent and scrub again.

Use a dryer lint: If you have dryer lint handy, run it through your clothes to pick up dog hair.

use a vacuum cleaner: If the hairs are abundant, use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery accessory to collect them from the surface of the garment.

Before putting the clothes to the washing machine, it is recommended that you remove the hairs with the adhesive rollers. You can also use rubber gloves, as they generate static electricity and thus attract hair more easily. When there are too many hairs on the clothes, you can soak them in water to make them free and float.

Once the garment does not have so many by the, put your clothes in the washing machine and also introduce a shower sponge. Wash the clothes as usual and when you take everything out of the machine, you will notice that everything has been picked up by the sponge.

When you finish washing, if you have dryer, choose to use cold air at maximum power. This causes the fibers to seal and prevent static build up.

How to quickly remove dog hair from clothes

To remove hair and lint from clothing:

Uses a brush Cloth Roller or Sticky Roller: Run the brush or roller over the surface of the garment to pick up hair and lint. Be sure to go in one direction and firmly for best results.

Usa Scotch tape: If you don’t have a sticky roller, you can use sticky tape. Wrap the tape around your hand sticky side out and press onto the surface of the garment, repeating until all hair and lint is removed.

Use one lint stone: This is a tool designed to remove lint and hair from clothing. Rub the stone on the surface of the garment and you will see that the hairs and lint adhere to it.

Exposure to dandruff or hair released by the pet usually trigger allergies. Most cases are associated with dogs and cats. The most frequent signs are sneezing, runny nose, wheezing or difficulty breathing, as indicated by Mayo Clinic.

If there is discomfort, it is best to go to the doctor to find out what the origin of the problem is. allergy and get the right treatment.

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Stick with these tips to remove pet hair from the washing machine without so much complication.

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