How to save on heating? Effective tips and tricks — idealista/news

by time news

2023-12-17 08:00:02

There are cycles that repeat year after year, and the arrival of the cold is one of them. With the winter season, a very undesirable side effect also appears: the increase in the gas bill due to higher heating consumption. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks to save on heating that can help you, we will tell you.

How to turn on the heating to spend less?

To save gas when heating your home you must take into account, among other things, at what temperature to put the heating to save.

The ideal is to keep it in the range of 19 to 21 degrees. to avoid consumption peaks resulting from excessive temperature. Furthermore, to maintain a comfortable temperature it is better not to go below the limit of 19 degrees.

In general, as long as you use the heating responsibly and without choosing extreme temperatures, you will be saving money and, in the process, protecting your health to a greater extent, since heat above what is recommended can cause dryness and respiratory problems, among other things. .

Close those rooms that do not need heat

It is possible that certain rooms in your home do not need to be heated every day. For example, an office that you rarely use, a separate laundry room, a room that serves as a storage room… Identify them and close them during winter days so that the heat generated by your heater is distributed only in those places where it is necessary. necessary.

Assess what temperature each room should be at

Just as there are rooms that do not need to be heated at all because they are not used regularly, it is also possible to differentiate the heat needs of the rooms that we do use daily.

For example, it is likely that heat is generated in the kitchen through the use of appliances, such as the oven or hob, and that you do not need to use other additional heat sources to be comfortable.

In the case of bedrooms, you may only live in them at night and therefore do not need to heat them throughout the day. The bathroom, for its part, will often be heated by the shower itself, or, due to its small dimensions, it will not require a great energy effort.

The living room is usually the room in which, universally, we spend the most time and also the one in which we need the most comfort.

In short, it is a good idea independently regulate the temperature of each room taking into account your preferences and thus save globally.

Reduce consumption at night and when you are not at home

It is always better to ‘stretch’ heating consumption and avoid heating the home in a short time using a very high temperature, but it is also true that at night it is better to reduce the temperature a couple of degrees (for example, to 16 degrees). or even turn off the heating.

The same applies when we are not at home, especially if our home does not have quality insulation. The reason is that the heat we generate will be lost little by little through windows, doors, etc., so we will be using gas unnecessarily.

In these cases it is preferable to program the heating to start a couple of hours before we get home. When in doubt as to whether turn off the heating or lower itit may be a good idea to close the radiators to save on heating.

Avoids a high difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures

We already know that the ideal heating temperature is around 19-21 degrees, but it is also important that you keep in mind that the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures should not exceed 12 degrees.

In this way you will be able to protect your health to a greater extent, since temperature contrasts are not good and can cause more than one cold or other respiratory illness.

Invest in a good thermostat

Thermostats are becoming more sophisticated and allow you to regulate the temperature of each room independently, as well as programming them to turn on and off at certain times of the day or when a specific room reaches a previously defined temperature.

The goal is always to achieve maximum heating savingssomething that goes hand in hand with reduced consumption and a more modest bill.

Therefore, although investing in this type of device may be a small scare for our pocket, it is worth doing it, especially if we make intensive use of heating during the coldest months.

Improves the insulation of doors and windows

Beyond the use of heating itself, we must take into account that the insulation conditions of our home have a lot to do with the use of the heat we generate. If doors, windows and other structural elements retain heat well, the result of our expenditure will be more efficient and we will be able to enjoy a pleasant temperature for longer with the same degree of consumption.

If you want to save money each winter, it is a good idea to renew certain inefficient elements.

It is easy to check which rooms are losing heat and take measures to prevent it. Some can be very economical, such as installing weather stripping on old windows or on the bottom of doors. Others are especially expensive, such as changing the thermal insulation of the home.

Get quality winter textiles

In the same way that certain textiles help us stay less hot during the summer, others have the opposite effect and allow us to enjoy a more pleasant and comfortable temperature. Make the most of the heat generated through heating.

This is the case of thick curtains, blankets made of natural fibers such as wool or thick cotton, dark colors in areas that receive sun during the day, thick rugs placed in strategic areas… Also clothing quality bedding, like a good duvet prepared for winter.

If you use textiles to your advantage, you will have a very important extra warmth and comfort. Likewise, it is also recommended to paint areas where direct sun hits dark colors.

Stay warm even at home

The clothes we wear at home also influence our level of comfort. Logically, if we intend to wear short sleeves during the winter, we will have to heat our home probably excessively.

We must not lose sight of the fact that during winter it is normal for it to be cold and also for us to go a little warm at home. Good slippers that insulate you from the ground will always be a good investment, as well as warm clothes to stay at home, winter pajamas, etc.

Ventilate at the right time

Finally, don’t forget the importance of ventilating at the right time. Do it preferably during the hottest hours and keep in mind that about 10 or 15 minutes are enough to air out your home.

You can also ventilate first thing in the morning, before going to work, taking advantage of the fact that you will not be at home and that the lost temperature will not affect you too much. What does not make sense is to ventilate after heating the home, since you will be throwing away a large part of the heat generated.

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