How to sign up for credits of up to $750 thousand to fix the house?

by time news
  • A line for minor home repairs of up to 180,000 pesos at 10 years with a 6-month grace period
  • A second line for major home repairs of up to 360 thousand pesos to be paid in 72 installments
  • A third line for housing extensions of up to 750 thousand pesos to also be paid in 72 installments

Who can access CREA credits?

Natural persons residing in the Province of Buenos Aires may access a CREA credit. Although only one request can be made per family group, the income of the family members can be added.

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CREA credits are intended for inhabitants of the province of Buenos Aires who seek to expand or renovate their home.

In turn, the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires clarified that the following people will have priority:

  • large family groups.
  • People with disabilities, difficulties or permanent physical limitations, who need to adapt their homes to improve accessibility and mobility conditions. Such condition must be accredited by means of a Unique Certificate of Disability (CUD).
  • Single-parent households or guardians with dependents under 18 years of age.
  • People in situations of gender violence.
  • Transvestite/trans persons.
  • Households in neighborhoods with a situation of social and/or environmental vulnerability duly justified by the municipality.

In addition, to apply for credits it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  • Possess ID.
  • Overcome 2 years of residence in the Province of Buenos Aires.
  • Be between 18 and 70 years old.
  • Prove income from registered jobs (dependent or self-employed), retirement and/or pensions, for an amount between 1 and 5 minimum wages.
  • If you cannot prove income, submit a sworn statement showing credit card consumption through the summaries of the last 12 months.
  • Owning, renting or living on loan in a single family home of habitual residence.

How to register for CREA credits?

The first step to register for this line of credits is to go to and then select “Sign up”. After that, the CUIL and the Social Security Code must be entered for identity validation. After this step, you will be able to access the registration form, which will provide a tracking number for the request once completed.


Once this step is completed, applicants will receive an email confirming whether or not they meet the program requirements. If these requirements are met, they must select “Upload your documentation” on the site, where they must upload the required documentation. If the data is correct, they will receive another email confirming the assignment of CREA.

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