How to slow down biological aging? It’s not just genetics that counts –

by time news

2023-06-04 14:02:39

Of Antonella Sparvoli

The proof, at the cellular level, comes from a study on DNA modifications conditioned by lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle, obesity and high blood sugar influence biological age

The age of our body is often different from what we read on the identity card. Two people born in the same year can have two radically different states of health and two aging processes. And among the many factors that can affect our and biological there are cardiovascular ones. L’obesit e high levels of fat in the blood as well as the he would sit down
accelerate the aging processwhile keeping these cardiometabolic risk factors under control and exercising have just the opposite effect.

Environmental factors and DNA

In short, a healthy lifestyle a bit like a youth elixir
which, moreover, also acts at the level of our DNA, as reported by a study recently published in the journal Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine. The authors studied the biological age of approximately 2,500 individuals by analyzing the epigenetic modificationsi.e. those chemical alterations of DNA (in particular methylations) which influence the expression of genes and can in turn be influenced by environmental factors such as diet, lifestyle and stress. By applying the method of DNA methylation age, a sort of epigenetic aging clock, developed in 2013 by biogerentologist and biostatistician Steve Horvath, the scholars evaluated on a molecular basis whether there was an accelerated age (more than five years compared to the registry age) or a decelerated age (less than five years of the registry age) in the cellular samples examined explains Giancarlo Isaiahprofessor of internal medicine and geriatrics at the University of Turin and president of the Academy of Medicine of Turin.

Confirmed on a molecular basis what was already known in medicine

Well, cardiometabolic factors such as obesity and dyslipidemia have been associated with aepigenetic acceleration of age as well as reduced physical activity. Furthermore, measurements of DNA methylation performed one year apart in a subset of patients showed that other factors, such as high diastolic blood pressure (the lowest) and high blood sugar (blood sugar), were associated with an acceleration of ageing. Confirm us, come on molecular basis a fact known in the medical literature which has long underlined how numerous acquired (epigenetic) factors, largely linked to lifestyle, can interfere with health, in particular with cardiovascular diseases, influencing the genetic predisposition of subjects and modulating their effects,” observes Isaiah. Abstaining from smoking, practicing regular physical activity, adopting a controlled diet are all strategies for achieving successful aging and a better quality of life.

The markers of ageing

Scientists have long been studying possible markers of aging able to measure biological age and assess health conditions. One of the pioneers in this area is Steve Horvath, of the University of California, who developed the watch of the same name, to estimate the age of almost every part of the body. The scientist built his aging clock using DNA methylation data from 800 samples from 51 body tissues and cell types. The data, processed by an algorithm, allows you to predict a person’s chronological age from a sample of cells. However, in recent years, the epigenetic signature of the DNA methylation clock has increasingly been the subject of studies that use it to estimate susceptibility to age-related diseases and the risk of death, but also as a tool to measure preventive interventions against ailments and to prolong life span in good health.

June 4, 2023 (change June 4, 2023 | 14:02)

#slow #biological #aging #genetics #counts

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