how to solve it, when to worry and what to do –

by time news

2023-08-30 08:19:12

by Maria Giovanna Faiella

Returning to the routine of work after the holidays can cause anxiety and a feeling of stress, which generally subsides within a few days, unless there are other unresolved issues

Frantic rhythms again, hundreds – if not thousands – of emails to read, collection of arrears: the return to the work routine after the holidays, a period of leisure and relaxation with no timetables to respect, can cause anxiety and a feeling of stress. In general, it is a physiological stress condition not to worry about, therefore the fatigue and inconvenience caused by returning to work are overcome within a few days, unless one carries out a work activity that one really does not like being forced to do.

Different rhythms (and no trauma)

On vacation the rhythms of life change, so when you return you have to go back to the previous ones: nothing new because, in general, we are used to these different rhythms, so our body is able to adapt without excessive stress, as explained by the psychologist Simona Cabib, full professor of psychobiology at the Sapienza University of Rome: The most stressful events are the unexpected ones, when there are unpredictable changes, as they require learning a new way of coping with the situation. Returning to work after the holidays is part of the repeating cycles of life, to which we have now adapted. This step is not stressful in technical terms: we simply have to recover our adaptation systems, which we know and have firmly established in our lives. And each has its own. There will be no trauma because it is an experience we have already gone through many times.

If you don’t like the job

Of course, Professor Cabib adds: At the beginning it takes some time to find the previous rhythm which, however, we know perfectly well: in fact, our body and our psyche have grown up in that context, so there is no sudden change. It’s about getting back in touch with yourself and resuming the relationship we had with work.
Carrying out a job that you like or hate can make all the difference. If, even before the holidays, one had a bad relationship with one’s work (and/or the context), then the situation is heavy and conflictual: not because one is returning from vacation but because, for a period, one has been out of a lived context in a negative way. In these cases, other solutions are needed.

Fatigue is not dangerous

We often use the word stress in a negative sense, but this is not always the case. The effort to adapt to new situations is a natural mechanism, as the psychologist underlines: Effort is never a danger because it is a job of adaptation to the environment that changes continuously and changes even in a partially unpredictable way. We have the tools to do it and we need not be afraid. We can feel very tired, under pressure: it can be annoying but it shouldn’t be considered a risk; what all living organisms face: it requires an effort – because it is never easy – but the condition of stress, when overcome, is positive because it allows us to have more tools to deal with other difficult, unforeseen events. You don’t need to protect yourself from stress but learn to manage it, even with psychological support if necessary.

Two kinds of stress

When should stress worry you? The expert explains: There are two different types of stress: the first due to an unexpected and radical change, such as the loss of a loved one or a job, or having to move elsewhere. You have to change yourself to adapt, and this requires a massive effort on the part of the organism. Generally, we have psychological and physiological tools to deal with the situation – underlines Professor Cabib -. The other type of stress, which is very dangerous, is a chronic condition of stress, i.e. an avoidable situation that we are unable to handle, and we perceive our inability to handle it. In this case we speak of a potentially pathogenic stress condition.

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August 30, 2023 (change August 30, 2023 | 08:16)

#solve #worry

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