How to strengthen your immune system in the rainy season: goodbye to nasal congestion

by time news

have a weakened immune system It shows as soon as the room temperature changes and you start to sneeze. If your defenses are down, it is likely that you will end up with the flu and even with the ‘cut body’… unless you learn how to strengthen your immune system in rainy season: goodbye to the nasal congestion.

There are many factors that can affect defenses, weakening the immune systembut why when the rainy season do we get sick more often? Find out why every time it rains you end up with sneezing, stuffy nose and a cut body.

Why does rain weaken the immune system?

Although many of us believe that rain affects the immune system, Actually, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that rain directly weakens the immune system, but the ambient humidity yes you can have health effects.

How to strengthen your immune system in the rainy season: goodbye to nasal congestion / Photo: iStock

As you can tell, con the arrival of the rainy seasonincrease the respiratory diseases like the common cold, flu, influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia, what is the reason? Simple, it is easier for viruses to survive in the face of low temperatures.

Besides, specialists of National Library of Medicine, suggest that by spending more time in closed spaces during the rainy seasonwe favor the transmission of viruses from one person to another, but also, a combination of cold and dry air is capable of weakening our immune resistance.

How to strengthen your immune system in the rainy season: goodbye to nasal congestion / Photo: iStock

Our immune system It is like a ‘shield’ that protects us from infectious microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi to avoid getting sick, describes the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

when the immune system perceives a threat that could harm us, it activates cells called lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells that are produced in the bone marrow and are responsible for attacking them, since they are responsible for causing respiratory diseases which, if not treated in time, can evolve into a pneumonia.

How to strengthen the immune system in the rainy season?

There are several ways to strengthen the immune systemif you notice that each rainy season you get the flu, forget about relying on tissues or feeling like a zombie all the time. Apply yourself with the following recommendations and increase your defenses, avoid infecting your loved ones at home.

How to strengthen your immune system in the rainy season: goodbye to nasal congestion / Photo: iStock

1. Getting enough sleep strengthens the immune system

We do not mean that you wake up at noon, but that you sleep at least seven hours a day to help strengthen your immunity naturally. Believe it or not, having a poor sleep quality is related to the susceptibility of the respiratory diseases.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try to limit the time you spend glued to your cell phone or computer to at least an hour before bed, as the blue light emitted by devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm or natural sleep-wake cycle. of your body.

How to strengthen your immune system in the rainy season: goodbye to nasal congestion / Photo: iStock

2. Eat healthy strengthens the immune system

With this we do not mean that you should go on a diet, but we do mean to try to eat more fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, milk and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Also, limit saturated fats, cholesterol, salt and added sugars as much as possible.

Remember that the obesity is one of the main risk factors for viral diseases that could be fatal, describe the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

3. Moderate exercise strengthens the immune system

It’s not about spending two hours in the gym, what’s more, you don’t even have to go to one to perform physical activity Because moderate exercise includes brisk walking or bicycling or jogging, it is best to get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

How to strengthen your immune system in the rainy season: goodbye to nasal congestion / Photo: iStock

How does it help you? In addition to keeping you off your weight, it can reduce inflammation and help immune cells regenerate regularly to strengthen the immune system and not get sick in rainy season.

4. Taking supplements could strengthen your immune system

It does not mean that you should buy whatever is in the pharmacy, it must be prescribed by your doctor in case your immune system need more reinforcements, for example, if you need vitamin C, vitamin D, Vitamin E, Zinc or B complex, it should be determined by the specialist.

How do I know if my immune system is weakened?

Believe it or not, the times we get sick in a predetermined period could indicate if your immune system is weakenedbut it is not the only sign, also the following:

  • Wounds that take longer to heal
  • Stomach problems
  • Exhausted
  • Hair loss

now that you know how to strengthen your immune system in rainy season, do not leave it for later. Apply yourself with the recommendations and forget about the nasal congestion.

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If you are interested in knowing how to strengthen your immune systemstay and watch the following video and discover what foods contain vitamin D to raise your defenses.

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