How to train in summer: precautions and tips if you are going to do sports in the heat

by time news

2023-07-31 19:11:49

When the weather conditions are harsh -either winter or summer- special care must be taken if we train. Persistence is one of the key aspects to successfully integrate a sports routine into our daily lives, but we must be aware of and responsible for the needs and risks involved in doing so in unfavorable circumstances, such as high summer temperatures.

So, is it advisable to train on hot days? Yes, as long as we take a series of precautions. With the help of the Myprotein experts, we have listed everything you need to know to do sports in the summer without risks. In addition, they have shared with us this 35% Myprotein discount code on protein shakes that you will find exclusively at 20-minute Discounts, so you can buy equipment and supplements at the best price.

Tips for training in summer

Do not underestimate the danger of heat in your workouts. Take note of these tips before committing an imprudence.

Do not demand more

Heat increases stress and cortisol levels in the body. This will make you more nervous and uncomfortable than normal during training. It is important that, during this time of year, you adjust your effort and do not demand more of yourself than necessary. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Do not put sport before your own health.

watch the schedules

Training under the sun, at 1:00 PM, in the middle of August… is not a good idea. During the hot seasons, even the nights can have high temperatures and choose your training hours well in crucial.

It is best to train first thing in the morning or last thing in the day. In this way, you will avoid maximum temperatures. In case you cannot take advantage of the cooler hours, try to do it in the shade and drink lots and lots of water.

listen to your body

If the heat is high and you feel fatigued and tired, even before you go out to train, it may not be a good time to start your training. Listen to your body, it wants the best for you. If one day you don’t train, absolutely nothing happens. I’m sure your engine thanks you and, the next day, you give the maximum of yourself.

Don’t forget to protect yourself from the sun

Although it may seem obvious, today, there are people who still do not use sunscreen when they go to train. A sunscreen that, let’s remember, must be used throughout the year, but even more so in summer.

Avoiding sunburns will not only protect your skin, but your entire body. The sunscreen will not only prevent those burns, it will also create a layer of hydration with which it will help you feel better in your training.

Like bien, like healthy

Neither skip meals, nor eat anything. The body needs basic nutrients and when you subject it to training routines it is very important to pay attention to food. Not only eating in a healthy and balanced way, but also covering all the protein demand that our muscles require.

Choose your training clothes well

If this aspect is important all year round, whether you train outdoors or indoors, during the summer it becomes especially important. A suitable kit is not only one that helps you train more comfortably, but also one that adapts to the conditions. Make sure you have breathable, light-toned clothing made from cool fabrics.

Pay attention to footwear

Clothes are just as important as shoes. In addition to getting footwear according to your footprint and needs, you must take into account the type of training you practice. It is essential that it be breathable and that it offers you good support.

Lots of hydration

When you play sports in hot conditions, your body tends to lose more fluid through sweat to regulate body temperature. This can lead to rapid dehydration if the correct measures are not taken. Drink frequently to maintain balance.

To know if you have adequate hydration, remember that your urine is your best ally. In case it is yellowish or has a cloudy color, your body is crying out for more water. If it is light-transparent, you are giving it what it needs.

Beware of heat strokes

One of the biggest risks when training in summer is suffering from heat stroke. And it is something that we cannot take lightly, since it can cause serious health complications. Especially during the summer, you should know what they are and how to avoid them.

If you feel a bit groggy, stop immediately. A heat stroke can cause seizures, fever and even unconsciousness, with even fatal results. Hydrate and cool your body gradually.

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