How to Use Soup for Effective and Long-Term Weight Loss

by time news

2024-01-23 06:52:37

Soup is good. No matter whether as a refreshing option in summer or as a warm soul warmer in winter. But it can do a lot more: How you can not only fill your stomach with soups, but also lose weight effectively and in the long term…

Soup is an all-rounder: tastes delicious, feels like a warm hug and has hardly any calories. When you’re sick, chicken broth is often the first choice to get back on track quickly. But did you know that soup has a lot more to it than that? Not only can it help you eat healthily, it can also help you lose weight and fight your love handles.

Soups and weight loss: how are they related?

Soups are great if you want to lose weight because they have tons of benefits. They are low in calories due to the water they contain and provide your body with fluids. Now you might be thinking: Water doesn’t fill you up? True, but the fiber from vegetables or legumes does. They provide you with the right minerals and give you energy for the day.

Soups can help you kill hunger, boost your metabolism and feed your body with important nutrients. This makes them perfect for a healthy diet based on fresh and natural foods.

Important: Avoid ready-made soups, which often contain a lot of additives, salt and sugar and are therefore not good for your body. Instead, cook yourself or order fresh soup from your favorite restaurant.

In the clip: 5 basic rules for losing weight

Did you know that you can lose weight with cucumber water and lemon water? A glass of water with apple cider vinegar is also a great detox routine and a juice cleanse can also help. Do you know Charlotte Karlinder’s secret recipe? We have the recipe for the lime drink weight loss booster. You can also lose weight with yoga – we show effective exercises and reveal a few relaxed weight loss tricks!

Making the right choice: Which soups are suitable?

Soups can also be high in calories and are therefore less suitable for losing weight. The choice of soup is therefore crucial for your weight loss. Especially if you’re on a low-carb diet, you should avoid potato or noodle soup, for example. Here are some tips on which soups are particularly good for losing weight:

Protein power in the soup bowl

For all gym lovers: Proteins are the secret weapon for maintaining muscle and the turbocharger for your metabolism. Soups with protein-rich ingredients such as chicken, lean meat, fish or legumes such as lentils are your bodyguard when losing weight. They protect your muscles and keep you fuller for longer. A real power boost for your mission!

Nutritious vegetable soups

Vegetable soups are not only low in calories, but also provide valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber. The nutrients it contains promote well-being and ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. This can help you avoid snacking all the time.

Asian soups – weight loss with ginger & Co.

The Asian diet is based on plenty of vegetables, ginger, chili, tofu and other healthy delicacies. With its heating properties, ginger can stimulate fat burning and reduce hunger. Red chilies contain capsaicin, which increases your energy consumption and can temporarily reduce the craving for food – ideal for losing weight!

The trick with the vegetable broth

It might sound strange, but it’s super helpful when you’re on a diet: you simply eat a clear soup before your main meal. This curbs your hunger and fills your stomach slightly. So you end up eating much smaller portions without missing out on your favorite dishes. With only about 20 calories per serving, vegetable broth is an ideal option to combat cravings before and between meals.

These soups are NOT suitable for weight loss

When losing weight, you should avoid heavy soups with cream, butter or fat. Soups that rely on a rich cream or butter base can be high in calories and saturated fat. Such soups contribute to adding calories rather than reducing them. So: spoon away from it! If you get cravings in the evening even though you’ve had a good time during the day, you should definitely avoid these mistakes at dinner.

Beware of soups with calorie bombs: Some soups may contain inconspicuous ingredients such as hydrogenated fats, processed meats or hidden additives. These can affect the healthy benefits of the soup and have a negative impact on the calorie balance. That’s why it’s best to cook your soup yourself, then you’ll know exactly what’s in it. We have the basic recipe for a perfect vegetable broth for you!

A royal snack tip for losing weight

Vegetable broth – the base rocks!

You can easily make vegetable broth yourself. Celery, leeks, carrots and greens are typically used for this. However, you can also add other vegetables, fresh or frozen. For two liters of the soup, which you can also prepare and freeze before starting the soup diet, you need the following ingredients:

  • 600 grams of your favorite vegetables
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • fresh herbs
  • Sea salt & pepper

Step 1: Wash the vegetables thoroughly and chop them into small pieces.

Step 2: Add olive oil to the pan and briefly sauté the vegetables – they will be crispy!

Step 3: Add two liters of water and bring to a boil.

Step 4: Let the broth simmer (about 45 minutes), then filter out the solid parts. This scent, just wow!

Step 5: Season with fresh herbs, pepper and salt to give the clear soup the finishing touch.

Tipp: You can also prepare the soup at the weekend as meal prep for the coming week; the broth tastes even better when it is well cooked!

We have collected even more soup recipes for losing weight here for you! There are also great low-fat recipes that will really keep you full during your diet. Also interesting: This is how you prepare delicious overnight oats, because oat flakes also support you in the long term on the way to your desired weight.

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