How useful is homeopathy in pediatrics?

by time news

Yesterday, April 10, World Homeopathy Day was celebrated. If you want to know what this medical practice consists of and how it can be applied in pediatrics, then we are going to tell you everything you need to know.

What is homeopathy?

This medical practice is characterized by the use of highly diluted medicinal preparations that are intended to create the same symptoms that the patient presents. It was invented at the end of the 18th century by the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann and its main premise is “like is cured by like”.

Currently, about 3 thousand different remedies are used in homeopathy, of which 150 are considered to be in common use. There are several classes and the main one is the classic one, although you can also find the clinic.

How is it used in children?

The use of homeopathy in children is fully functional. Like a doctor, the homeopath examines the child, listens to him, and interviews him about her symptoms. That is, he makes a diagnosis, but the difference with other doctors is that the homeopath tries to determine the specific way in which the child reacts to that disease.

What diseases does pediatric homeopathy treat?

The treatments that this aspect can serve for acute conditions but also in recurrent diseases that are repeated in children, frequently, such as flu symptoms, colic, asthma, conjunctivitis, allergies, etc.

Although something important to keep in mind is that parents should never self-medicate babies or children and only administer the amount recommended by the homeopath. In infants and children under 2 years of age, it is advisable to use it in globules so that they suck or take them dissolved in water or milk, in the bottle.

Homeopathic drops are more suitable for children over 2 years of age and are dissolved in water or milk, due to its high alcohol content of 45º.

In an acute picture, the action of the homeopathic medicine is rapid. If the child does not show improvement in the first 24 to 48 hours, medical help should be sought. In chronic pictures, homeopathy is used for long periods, since it lacks contraindications and toxic side effects.

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