How will Mercury retrograde in Taurus 2023 affect your zodiac sign?

by time news

2023-04-21 18:41:51

From April 21 to May 15, Mercurioplanet of the mind and its multitudes, is retrograde in the fixed earth sign of Taurus.

Mercurio is our planet of messages and communion and Taurus it is ruled by Venus, the domain of aesthetics, attraction, worldly goods and self-esteem. In conversations with each other we can see this retrograde as a lesson in ‘believing is deserving’.

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Mercury officially stations retrograde at 15 degrees Taurus on April 21 at 4:35 am.

The term retrograde is a bit of a misnomer, as the planet doesn’t actually stop or go backwards, but rather slows its motion enough to appear to be spinning backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. Our ancient ancestors noticed this phenomenon and correlated the change with the challenges and changes that befell them.

Named for the envoy of the gods, the bearer of energies, the one with the winged foot and the loose tongue, Mercury is the fastest moving planet in our solar system, going backwards three or four times a year. If you take into account the period before the shadow of a retrograde (darth Vader voice boasts) “and you should always take the shadow into account,” the trickster planet’s effects are felt for about half of the calendar year. Retrograde Mercury is not to be underestimated, but it is not to be feared either.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

This retrograde is taking over your second house of assets, Aries. With spring underway, you may be inclined to bet big and spend big. No. Save your pennies and reflect on whether you’re operating from a place of real need or a need for a brilliant distraction.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Happy return of the sun to you, Taurus! As a birthday present from the cosmic forces, this retrograde offers you the opportunity to change your brand. As you prepare for your last and best year of life, consider how you want to move forward, what apologies need to be delivered, stories need to be checked, and axes need to be buried so that you are free, clean, and unencumbered.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Mercurio, your ruling planet, is stationed retrograde in your twelfth house of the unconscious mind, Gemini. This is a transit that requires withdrawal. Spend as much time as you can in the comfort of quiet, empty rooms, with nothing but your kaleidoscopic memory for company.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

It’s hard to tell a water sign not to take things personally, but that’s exactly what I’m suggesting. Cancer. With Mercury back pedaling through your eleventh house of friends and social media it will be easy for you to be hurt by words, but infinitely more beneficial for you to limit their power to hurt you.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Mercury is talking nonsense and jumping through your 10th house of career, vocations, and legacy, Leo. Be meticulous in his work dealings while remaining open to the possibility that a change of pace and profession may be on the horizon.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Not so much ruled by Mercury as refined by it, you’re more apt than other signs to weather this flow, Virgo. But, even you are vulnerable to armor cracks and vigilance lapses during this transit. The planet is moving through your 9th house of travel, expansion, and education. Remember that sometimes being led astray is a step in the right direction.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Mercury transits your eighth house of sex, death, and debt, Libra. Shifts are happening and you should try to settle scores and delete scores. You can think about these transactions; whether financial, emotional, or otherwise, how to tie up loose ends and finally break free from feeling indebted.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Mercury is confusing you a lot, Scorpio slipping through your 7th house of associations. The old flames seek to reignite and the new romance struggles to gain a foothold in the garden of lost signs. You are not getting what you want and that fact is not a punishment, it is a lesson to define your desires.

STime.newsTTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Is your routine designed for reckless abandon or for your maximum benefit, Sagittarius? This retrograde in your 6th house of habits asks you to break some and make others. Remember that in our age of burnout, living long and living well is the most radical choice you can make. Well-being as rebellion? Why the hell not?

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

At last, fate is conspiring to take it easy on you, Capricorn. This retrograde is making waves in your fifth house of sex, play, creativity, and carnivals. While you may feel less like doing and/or expressing yourself creatively at the start of this retrograde, if you keep an open mind and one button undone, you could find yourself blessed with new partners to experiment with and new mediums to explore.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Predicted for trials on the home front during this retrograde, Aquarius as trickster Mercury is moving through your fourth house of home and family. Even though you hate to revisit the past and your feelings about it, this retrograde asks you to return to the site of your first pains to repair yourself and finally forgive those that could have been better for you and you.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

The search song of the lead singer of Fish and Poison, Brett Michaels, asks: Was it something I said or something I did? Didn’t the words come out right? In fact, Pisces, with Mercurio meddling in your third house of communication and sharing, you may be tempted to talk cheap, small, or in ways that demean others and devalue yourself. Keep in mind that silence is golden and keeping silent is the surest way to remain intact.

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