How will the food delivery sector change with the Artificial Intelligence revolution?

by time news

2023-06-01 06:25:46

Stories about machines capable of learning by themselves and imitating human behavior are no longer the stuff of science fiction. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) It is the most relevant technological revolution of the last decades, largely due to its rapid democratization. Tools like the well-known CharGPT have put the infinite capabilities of Artificial Intelligence in the hands of any user. However, beyond the utility that private users can give to AI, all eyes are on the impact that this technology will have on labor and business matters. The tsunami of AI and automation will make it possible to shorten times and reduce costs to improve productivity, which in turn has unleashed the debate on the destruction of human jobs. The technology company Uber addressed these questions during its annual Go-Get news event and its CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, was very clear about it: “What you are going to see has been built by humans, for humans.” At the height of this technology, the American mobility and delivery company insisted that its focus is on developing more accessible services for all profiles. To do this, they will use AI, but they will not base their strategy on developing Artificial Intelligence or robotics “just because,” said Niraj Patel, senior director of airport and passenger operations at Uber, in statements to LA RAZÓN. But then, What changes are you experiencing, specifically the delivery sector, thanks to AI?

Tom Kaiser, editor of the news portal Food on Demand, which also organizes the largest conference on delivery and food services in the market, explained in a panel of experts held by Uber that AI will be present in restaurants and delivery of many ways. “I think it would be even easier to identify the parts of the business where AI is not going to come to the fore,” he said in this regard. Between the best-known AI utilities and that are already being implemented in the delivery sector are solutions that optimize the delivery route thanks to the management of data such as the current traffic situation and peak hour statistics with the aim of eliminating delivery delays and saving fuel. Likewise, Artificial Intelligence is being used to create demand prediction models, manage fleets of delivery drivers, implement chatbots on platforms to improve communication with customers, deliver with robots and drones, and even create a restaurant menu.

Its applications also involve “automating processes such as respond to social media views, track consumer behavior and preferences, and use loyalty programs to connect with diners in a more authentic and personal way,” Kaiser said. According to the expert, Artificial Intelligence can serve to offer customers offers and incentives that really fit what they like and rule out what they dislike. “Restaurants can assign people who do this preference detection job but AI is perfect for this task, as it allows you to collect all this data and use it to implement tangible measures. This is one of the great opportunities to use Artificial Intelligence, since customer loyalty is one of the most important and most popular factors in the food delivery sector, ”said Kaiser.

On the use of technology and machines to carry out jobs hitherto carried out by humans, Tom Kaiser insisted that “This is not about using AI to replace humans, but about using AI to make life and work life easier for humans.” “At the end of the day, making it easier for people to work is a great attraction after the labor crises of recent years,” he said. For exampleChipotle gave an example of this at the previous Food On Demand conference talking about using automation to fry their tortillas. “It doesn’t sound like a big job for a human to do, so automating these kinds of tasks is perfect. This will not only allow a restaurant to function with a smaller number of employees, but it will make the lives of the workers better, ”he added in this regard.

For her part, Therese Lim, director of product, new verticals at Uber Eats and Uber Direct, stressed that technology has to exist to enhance and facilitate human interactions rather than to be a threat. “This is how we think about Artificial Intelligence,” she remarked. “Uber is actively working on AI, also in the delivery segment. We have all been able to observe the possibilities offered by ChatGPT. As for delivery, AI will make ordering more comfortable. Now you have to search for your favorite brand and add it to the cart, while with Artificial Intelligence you will be able to have a more natural and human conversation”, he explained. The other side is that AI will help consumers make healthier decisions about the food they order. “The sky is the limit. So when thinking about the role of AI we have to think about both sides: his ability to ask more easily and further our understanding of asking for the right thing for ourselves and our families”sentenced.

Another task in which AI can contribute is in the price fixing. “In my opinion, this feature is at the top of the list of AI utilities. There are currently a number of companies that help restaurants set their prices based on data. These can range from historical purchasing patterns, whether there are competitors on the same street, or what other similar restaurants offer on delivery platforms. AI will be a part of your pricing decisions and it is already being used in business models with dynamic pricing that depends on multiple factors, like Uber does on its rides or deliveries,” explained the editor of Food On Demand. And it is that, According to Uber and this expert, a hamburger at three in the afternoon on a Tuesday shouldn’t cost the same as a Saturday night when it’s pouring with rain.

About fixing dynamic pricing, the expert commented that it will be one of the great trends of the coming years. It is not only a question of raising prices in the periods of greatest volume of work, but also of reducing them in those periods with fewer clients to stimulate demand. In his opinion, this does not happen because restaurants make radical changes in prices. They may be Relatively small changes but make a difference. Thus, the expert considers that the debate on dynamic prices should not scare consumers, since in fact it will be an area of ​​continuous innovation.

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