How Winter Cold Can Affect Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels: Expert Advice for Health

by time news

2024-07-11 16:26:00

The wave of cold air can affect people’s health in different ways. One effect is an increase in blood pressure/File

A hello long Intense cold hitting a large part of the territory of the Argentina. Nine of the country’s 24 jurisdictions are under it Red alertindicator which means that low temperature can impact on people’s healtheven those who are healthy.

One of the negative effects of low temperature is that more likely than that raise blood pressurewhich is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries.

Every time the heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries. The ideal is to have blood pressure below 135/85 mmHg, and have regular check-ups.

Blood pressure should be measured with validated automatic devices to be accurate (Freepik)

Blood pressure is generally higher in winter and lower in summer. “The reason is that low temperatures leave the narrow blood vessels temporary. This increases blood pressure because more pressure is needed to circulate the blood through the narrowed veins and arteries,” explained the doctor. Francisco López-Jimeneza member of American College of Cardiology and a specialist on the Mayo Clinic in cardiovascular prevention i United States of America.

It is also known that the body (and blood vessels) can react to it sudden changes humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness or wind in the same way it reacts to it cold. These time-related blood pressure variations are more common in people over 65 years of age.

Other seasonal causes of higher blood pressure include weight gain and less physical activity, which is common in winter, and frequent consumption of fatty foods.

When consulted Infobae Pablo Rodriguezthe first vice president of the Argentine Association of Arterial Hypertension (SAHA)said that pressure in winter can increase up to 10 mmHg (for systolic or maximum pressure), and up to 5 mmHg (for diastolic or minimum pressure).

For example, If a person normally has a pressure of 120/80 mmHg (12/8), in times of low temperature it can reach up to 130/85 mmHg (13/8.5).

Blood pressure can be measured at home, according to medical indications/ SEMG

“Blood pressure must be measured today with automatic validation devices to be precise,” he explained to Infobae the doctor Marcos Marinformer president of the Argentine Hypertension Association (SAHA).

Because accurate blood pressure measurement is critical to the effective diagnosis, prevention and control of hypertension, “it can be achieved through the use of validated electronic devices, the use of a correct measurement protocol and adequate patient preparation.”, of according to Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

When an increase in blood pressure is diagnosed, the situation is generally controlled with better adherence to medical treatment / (Illustrative Image Infobae)

If an increase in blood pressure is observed in relation to normal values, it is recommended to consult a doctor. “If high blood pressure is considered a silent disease, one should not expect specific symptoms related to increased blood pressure,” said Dr. Rodríguez.

Blood pressure tends to rise in some people due to constriction of blood vessels. “If it is winter and blood pressure rises, it is recommended to consult a health professional and improve adherence to the treatment mentioned. It is very exceptional that patients need to increase the dose of prescribed medications.

The accumulation of cholesterol plaques can promote the development of cardiovascular disease. A periodic check is a key/File

The IS dyslipaemia It involves the change in the levels of lipids or fats in the blood, mainly cholesterol and/or triglycerides. An excess of these substances causes them to accumulate within the arteries, reducing their quality and hardening them.

In this way, the arrival of oxygen and nutrients to the various organs is affected, and the risk of cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and kidney diseases, among others, increases.

During very cold weather, people tend to do less physical activity than required weekly and increase fat consumption in diet: These are situations that can favor changes in cholesterol levels.

“The increase in cholesterol is due to the winter customs that people follow. There is no physiological relationship which causes the body to change cholesterol levels,” he said Infobae the president of Argentine Lipid Association, Pablo Corral. “Because of the cold, people move less and increase their consumption of foods with more calories,” he said.

Physical activity should not be reduced in winter. A more sedentary lifestyle contributes to increased cholesterol (Illustrative Image Infobae)

To control altered cholesterol levels during the winter, medical associations such as the Spanish Heart Foundation and the Argentine Society of Cardiology they suggest:

  • Know what cholesterol level is recorded: you should consult a doctor and then do a simple blood test. Through this study, the health professional can give indications
  • Adopt a healthy diet: It is extremely important to eat fruits and vegetables of all types and colors daily, and to reduce the consumption of foods high in saturated fats, sugar and salt.
  • Avoid trans fats: they are widely used by the food industry due to their low cost and ability to extend the useful life of products. It is advisable to pay attention to the labels.
  • Do physical activity: you should spend at least 30 minutes a day of physical activity: walking more, climbing stairs, dancing, playing with children, riding a bike, swimming and doing chores around the home
  • Reduce alcohol consumption and quit smoking or vaping

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