Howl of war on all channels

by time news

Unsavory news made the rounds on Wednesday. The governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD), several members of the Bundestag, media companies, police authorities and other public institutions received letters with a few pieces of meat attached. Obviously, the senders want to create a good mood. In threatening letters they announced bloody resistance to a general compulsory vaccination.

It goes like this every day. Some march in the street, others waving torches threateningly in front of politicians’ houses, and third parties discuss murder plans against a prime minister on a public platform. There is a growing howl of war to be heard on all channels and, yes, it is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish which things come from pomposity and people who enjoy threatening gestures and where there is real danger.

In fact, the latter are criminals and psychopaths. But they are probably in the clear minority after all. The only problem is, how do you know that in a specific case? It is unsettling when you get such post, when you hear about it and read about it and that is exactly what this is about. It is a strategy of maximum uncertainty and such activists should only be met calmly and prudently. Police authorities are investigating and who is liable to prosecution will probably be found.

Everyone else should now suppress their reflexes. We no longer need the state. We have had enough of it and the responsible authorities are already working. Politicians might be more willing to make concessions. But that would also be a mistake. The only thing that helps here is to ignore the drumming. A vaccination requirement must anyway be weighed up in a legislative process. We will all have to endure it: politics, we citizens and also the drummers.


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