“HPV-Associated Cancers in Young Cancer Survivors: The Importance of Vaccination and Neglected Protection”

by time news

2023-04-26 03:30:26

Young cancer survivors are at higher risk for HPV-associated cancer. Vaccination is the best protection, but it is often neglected in these patients.

A team of researchers from the Huntsman Cancer Institute and the University of Utah found that cancer diagnoses related to human papillomavirus are more common in adolescents and young adults who already have cancer. The team is led by Anne Kirchhoff, a researcher in the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Research Program and Associate Professor of Pediatrics.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common infection that is transmitted through sexual contact. According to the Intermountain West HPV Coalition, most people will become infected with HPV at some point in their lives after becoming sexually active. There are about 40 types of HPV that are sexually transmitted; some of them cause cancer. The immune system normally has the virus under control, but some HPV strains, called high-risk types, can survive for long periods and lead to cancer. In young adults who have previously had cancer treatment, their immune systems may be even less able to control the infection.

Young cancer patients at higher risk of HPV

Kirchhoff and her team examinedwhether these young adult cancer survivors are more likely to have HPV-related cancer than the general population. Using national data from the SEER-9 (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) registries, Kirchhoff and her team found a trend towards secondary cancer diagnoses associated with HPV infection.

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Compared to the general population, young cancer survivors had a 70% increased risk of HPV cancer. Those who survived had an even higher risk (117%) of developing oropharyngeal cancer, i.e. cancer in the mouth and throat. Hispanic young patients were at higher risk of developing HPV cervical cancer to develop the disease than other young cancer survivors and the general population.

Protect young cancer survivors from HPV as much as possible

“Certain HPV-related cancers, including oropharyngeal carcinoma, are increasing in the general population. What we see in our young cancer patients is similar. However, young patients are at higher risk than the general population,” says Kirchhoff. With this discovery, Kirchhoff hopes to find ways to support young patients after their first cancer diagnosis and treatment.

“My work is about understanding the health needs of young patients after treatment is complete,” says Kirchhoff. “The HPV vaccine is one way to protect against cancer. Although data shows that HPV vaccination rates have improved dramatically in Utah, we still see a small number of high-risk populations, such as B. Young cancer patients using the HPV vaccine to prevent cancer.” It is important to emphasize the importance of this vaccine in preventing cancer.

General practitioners, get to the syringes!

Most general practitioners have access to HPV vaccines, but some may not recommend them for people with a history of cancer, Kirchhoff said. Patients may not feel they need the HPV vaccine.

“One of the most important actions we can take is to educate the public and initiate important conversations between patients and their doctors. Younger patients are at the age when the immune response to the HPV vaccine is at its best,” says Kirchhoff. “We can prevent cancer caused by HPV.”

This article is based on a press release of the Huntsman Cancer Institute. We have the original publication for you here and linked in the text.

Image source: Eliott Reyna

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