“HPV DNA Genotyping Test” reduces the risk of cervical cancer. Rights that Thai women must have access to

by time news

cervical cancer“The death of Thai women is the second highest, but can be treated if treated promptly. Just undergo screening with the HPV DNA Genotyping Test technique that can identify 14 high-risk strains, resulting in surveillance for viral infection. HPV high risk breed The main cause of cervical cancer can be managed before it spreads to cancer This is a highly efficient and cost effective method. Helps to detect more patients in the early stages

Recently, at the 44th Association of Medical Technologists (ACMTT) conference at Ambassador City Hotel, Jomtien, Chonburi Province MP Group (Thailand) Ltd. Organized an academic conference on the topic “HPV DNA Genotyping to Primary Screening Trends”, lectured by Prof. Dr. Siriwan Tangjitkamol, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a specialist in gynecological oncology.

Prof. Dr. Siriwan said that Thailand has a policy for cervical cancer screening in Thailand by means of HPV Test, which gives the right to screening for Thai women aged 30-60 and to be examined every 5 years by screening. Screening for cervical cancer with the HPV Genotyping Test, which can identify 14 high-risk strains, is an effective method for assessing the risk of cervical cancer. And the information obtained can be used to develop vaccines. and use in each region of the country

Consistent with the research data of the Medical Science Center 3, Nakhon Sawan by Dr. Jintana Wongwilairat, MD. Director of Medical Science Center 3 Nakhon Sawan revealed that from the study of samples sent for cervical cancer screening by HPV DNA Genotyping Test of 28,870 women in Kamphaeng Phet, Phichit, Chainat and Uthai Thani provinces, there was a prevalence of HPV infection. At 7.69%, the top five most common HPV strains were strain 52, strain 16, strain 58, strain 68 and strain 66, respectively. Screening for cervical cancer by means of HPV Genotyping Test that can identify the species. This will provide information on the strains of HPV that are spreading in Thai women. which will cause surveillance and is a guideline for further monitoring of cervical cancer in high-risk women.

Therefore, the screening method HPV Genotyping Test It is a highly efficient and cost effective method. Helps to detect patients in the early stages, increasing from the old method Effectively reduce mortality from cervical cancer.

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