«huaico», with a Latin i, better than «huayco»

by time news

the spelling avalanchecon i latina, It is recommended for masses of mud and rocks that come off the Andes, better than huayco.

In the news about the floods in Peru it is common to find this word written with ye: “To the east of Lima, 150 houses were destroyed after the fall of a landslide”, “In the city of Huarmey, a landslide has blocked a section of the road” or “They have warned that there will be a bigger mudslide around three in the morning.”

According to the academic dictionary, avalanche is a Peruvian word that means ‘huge mass of mud and rocks that torrential rains emerge from the heights of the Andes and that, when they fall into the rivers, they cause their overflow’.

Although the Dictionary of Americanismsfrom the Association of Academies, includes the use of spellings huayco y guaicothe shape productico is the best fit to the spelling guidelines from Spanish y al how they have adapted to this language the voices of the Quechua. The variant with the letter g rather h It is very minority and, therefore, less advisable.

Thus, in the previous examples it would have been better “To the east of Lima, 150 houses were destroyed after the fall of a landslide”, “In the city of Huarmey, a landslide has blocked a section of the highway” and “They have warned that there will be a larger huaico around three in the morning.”

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