Hüfingen: Lars Hauser runs 85 kilometers for people with cystic fibrosis

by time news

2023-05-27 13:07:43

Three days after the extreme feat, climbing stairs is still a bit difficult, reports Lars Hauser from Hüfingen. Otherwise, he says, his physical condition hardly gives any indication of what he has actually done over the past few days. The 28-year-old still sounds euphoric when he reports on the weekend of May 19-21.

The educator from the aftercare clinic in Tannheim set himself two major goals for his charity run for people with cystic fibrosis. He mastered both with flying colors.

Fundraising goal more than doubled

Hauser cannot really believe his eyes when he looks at the current donation status. “At the beginning I thought that a few hundred euros might come together, but I would not have expected this result with the best will in the world”. The 28-year-old has already collected more than 6,000 euros. He once gave an ambitious goal of 3,000 euros.

On the very first day of his charity run, the trained packaging technologist fulfilled a lifelong dream and completed the marathon distance for the first time. | Image: Lars Hauser

According to Hauser, even the city of Hüfingen has announced that it will make a donation in the coming days. He assumes that the mark of 7000 euros will still fall. You can register for the campaign on the association’s website until June 4th cystic fibrosis donate.

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marathon distance covered

His personal goal was also to fulfill a lifelong dream over the weekend. Running the full marathon distance in one go for the first time. And he did it on day one. “The first 30 kilometers went really well, but on the way back I had slight cramps,” the pedagogue recalls. But he survived this too. With a hydration pack on his back and his father supporting him on his bike, Hauser fought his way through the approximately 42.2 kilometers.

“41.5 kilometers were covered, then the battery failed,” announced Hauser on Friday via his Instagram channel. He still managed the marathon distance! | Image: Instagram Lars Hauser

On the two following days he also ran a half marathon and the originally planned 60 kilometers for the entire weekend turned into an impressive 85.

Hauser cannot remember any particularly critical moments. The donations collected before the start of the campaign and the promised fixed amounts per kilometer run drove him on. “That’s what carried me.”

Further actions planned

Hauser has enough motivation for future campaigns. “The response was outstanding and it was great fun.” Maybe I’ll collect again next year. Then for another disease and organization”.

And personally? This year he would like to conquer the marathon at the Black Forest Marathon in Bräunlingen in an official run. But first, regeneration is on the agenda. “I’m going to take a week’s break from running.”

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