Humanitarian Aid Windesheim asks for donations

by time news

(wba). The “Humanitarian Aid Windesheim” is preparing the 62nd aid transport to Romania in 17 years. At the end of November, a fully loaded truck is to go to Romania…

WINDESHEIM – The “Humanitarian Aid Windesheim” is preparing the 62nd aid transport to Romania in 17 years. At the end of November, a fully loaded truck is to drive to Romania so that the relief supplies can reach the needy families in time for Christmas.

Food prices in Romania have risen astronomically, making it impossible for many families to buy enough food. The “Humanitarian Aid” emphasizes: “The relief supplies that we bring to Romania help to reduce the suffering of the people on the ground and contribute to the fact that the people can stay in their homeland and do not have to strive for a life as uprooted economic refugees .”

The “Humanitarian Aid” asks all fellow citizens for food donations for the transport. Rice, pasta, semolina, sugar, oatmeal, tinned sausages, pudding powder, cocoa, chocolate, cookies and gingerbread are particularly in demand. The children are also happy about Nutella, Advent calendars and chocolate Santa Clauses, the adults about a little coffee. Bicycles and clothing for young people are also urgently needed.

Monetary donations are also requested to help cover transportation costs. Donations can be handed in every Monday from 2 to 6 p.m. in Windesheim, Schulstraße 15, by November 21 at the latest. Donations are requested to the account DE65 5605 0180 0017 0367 08 at the Sparkasse Rhein-Nahe.

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