Humanitas-Philips agreement for artificial intelligence in healthcare

by time news

Humanity from Philips ally by accelerating la turning point that AI, artificial intelligence, will be able to give to health care. The Irccs Clinical Institute of Rozzano, Milan, and the company announce the signing of a research and development agreement that will see the two companies collaborate first on some specialties such as radiology, oncology, cardiology and stroke therapy, to then extend to other clinical areas. The agreement is based on the desire to pool their respective skills and technologies, to speed up the advantages envisaged with “the digitization of hospitals and the application of new learning algorithms. They promise to revolutionize the healthcare world – they explain. Humanitas and Philips – not only making diagnosis, prognosis and therapy more personalized and precise, but also improving the patient experience and facilitating work in multidisciplinary teams “.

“Artificial intelligence and big data, which represent enormous potential for diagnostics, will be integrated into all Philips solutions to support doctors in their activities and improve patient care and experience – says Carina Snijder, Head of Research Program Management, Cto Department, Philips – This is why Philips has already created a worldwide network of partners in clinical research such as Humanitas, with the aim of developing innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence “.

“This partnership – says Giorgio Ferrari, Humanitas Managing Director Research – represents a further step in the innovation path that Humanitas has undertaken since its inception and which is part of its DNA: looking to the future of care, trying to anticipate change , and to offer patients the best in terms of knowledge, technologies, services and experience, as demonstrated by the establishment of the Humanitas Artificial Intelligence Center, a unique reality. We are convinced that technological innovation and humanization of care are two sides of the same medal “.

The cooperation – reports a note – it begins with a series of workshops that Philips scientists and developers worked on together with Humanitas medical specialists and researchers. The objective of these meetings – one for each thematic area: oncology, radiology, cardiology and stroke – is to identify clinical needs on the one hand and technological and digital opportunities on the other, finding meeting points around which to build the first projects of research.

“Among the first elements of joint interest – underline Humanitas and Philips – is the use of Ai tools to assist interventional cardiology interventions and improve radiological diagnostics in the vascular and tumor fields. Artificial intelligence can also contribute to increase the accuracy of image-guided radiotherapy, and reduce diagnosis and intervention times in cerebral ischemia, to the benefit of patient care “.

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