Hunting: Jadot wants a “law separating lobbies and the state”

by time news

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Macron and hunting? A relationship of the same ilk as the Church and the State in the 19th century, according to Yannick Jadot. Angered by the call of the president of the National Federation of Hunters (FNC) to vote Emmanuel Macron published in our columns, the environmental candidate takes advantage of this Wednesday to try to put back on the front his “law of separation of lobbies and State”, included in its program.

“You have an interview with the boss of the hunting federation this morning in a newspaper, which says: this is what the President of the Republic is going to announce in favor of hunting”, was indignant the MEP EELV, on CNews. Before explaining that if he were in power, one of the “main” laws passed would be “a law separating lobbies and the state”.

The president of the hunting federation Willy Schraen, announced this Tuesday in Le Parisien that he will vote “Emmanuel Macron from the first round” because “he will put all his energy to meet our demands” and also affirmed that the president s would engage “on the compensation for game damage and traditional hunting” in a future letter to the departmental hunting presidents.

“Public policies dictated by lobbies”

“You have a federation boss who, basically, considers that he can speak in place of the President of the Republic”, lambasted Yannick Jadot on CNews, recalling that “For five years, Emmanuel Macron has not stopped authorize hunts that were immediately banned by the courts because they are protected species”. “Enough of the public policies dictated by lobbies which obviously protect their private interests at the expense of the general interest”, concluded the ecological candidate.

Willy Schraen believes that only Emmanuel Macron will hear the hunters. If Yannick Jadot or Jean-Luc Mélenchon are elected, “there will be no more hunting. If it is Marine Le Pen, she will remove a series of practices deemed incompatible with her ideas. We must weigh in the vote, ”he added.

Statements that caused a reaction beyond environmentalists: “Willy Schraen has the right to say what he wants and vote what he wants, but I don’t think he can say that hunters are to vote for Mr. Macron”, reacted on France Inter Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

“I regret that” Mr. Schraen “is always positioned politically (…) it is not his role”, lamented Marine Le Pen on the site “A president of the hunters does not make the vote of the hunters”, reacted on France 2 the boss of the senators LR Bruno Retailleau, support of Valérie Pécresse.

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